X-Men: Apocalypse

May 28, 2016 22:04


The early reviews made this sound thoroughly mediocre, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. Not the best X-Men film, but it was fun! And it had a lot of Nightcrawler, and, really, who doesn't love Kurt? He is, uh, possibly my second-favorite X-Man. (Most of my other faves got little to no screentime. I think Jubilee and Psylocke had maybe one line each -- and, come on, Psylocke was one of the Horsemen. Storm was also seriously underused. And speaking of Horsemen, what in the world was Angel doing cage-fighting in East Berlin? Doesn't being filthy rich mean that doesn't happen to you? I have read basically zero actual Apocalypse comics, so maybe this does happen, IDK. At least Apocalypse doesn't turn him blue?)

I am pretty sure the Ancient Egyptian was actual Ancient Egyptian. Yay.

I think Quicksilver's action sequence was once again the best part. Although I will admit I couldn't remember that Magneto had a daughter who died (Anya, in the comics, apparently) -- I could only think of Pietro and Wanda and Lorna. He has a surprisingly large number of children.

And, okay, I spent half the movie waiting for someone to call Charles on how gross it was that he'd mindwiped Moira but apparently NO ONE MINDS. Come on. Don't mindwipe people! Why are you always so sketchy? This is why I like Magneto better than you, dude.

I liked the post-credits scene; the internet is awash in speculation that getting Mr. Sinister in-universe means we'll get either Cable, Madelyne Pryor, or X-23. I thought of Gambit (and we know we're getting a Gambit movie), but, hey, that's me. Gambit. My faaaaaaaave.

...I'm probably going to die of squee when the Gambit movie comes out, aren't I.

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