What I Just Finished Reading
G. N. Chevalier, Bonds of Earth: This is
lamardeuse's m/m profic; it's linked on her fic website, so I presume there's no problem with crossing the streams. Anyway. It's a reasonably cute m/m historical romance, set just after WWI, about a gardener/masseur and his relationship with his rich employer/client. I would say that, though it is not the best m/m profic I have ever read, it's sweet and definitely worth the $5, unlike a lot of the horrors I appear to have paid money for once. Recommended if you're looking for a fun read for an afternoon.
What I'm Reading Now
I am sure this will shock you, but nothing.
What I'm Reading Next
Something! As soon as I finish
kink_bingo! (And start thinking about Yuletide, aiee.)
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