So the other day
gelishan IMed me and said that she was signing up for
Pinboard and could I tell her how to get the browser extension to show up correctly. My response was "What do you mean, browser extension?" I have been taking up my Valuable Screen Real Estate all this time with the bookmarklets, and so now I just have a handy little pin icon! With a keyboard command and everything! Who knew?
Also, I have discovered RSS feeds! Well, okay, that's not really true, because I knew what RSS feeds were. But for, like, ten years, LJ has been my feed reader, and those of you who use LJ for feeds have probably noticed that it has a whole lot of hiccups where it will do things like not deliver any posts for two weeks, and you can't just subscribe to a feed because it needs an account first, and all sorts of stuff. It's been annoying. But I didn't know what to use instead. People said Google Reader was good, but then it shut down, and more recently, people said
The Old Reader was good, but then it was going to shut down... but now it is back again! Hooray!
So I signed up for The Old Reader (with this username, and I can dig up my profile link if you want it; I gather there are social things but I am not really sure what) and OMG you guys, feeds! Feeds for comics! Feeds for blogs! AO3 tag feeds! That all actually work! Yay! And a little browser extension that sits there and tells me when there's new stuff to read. Why did no one tell me about this before?
Now all I need to do is figure out why Tumblr logs me out every twenty-four hours and make it stop, and my internet experience will be annoyance-free.
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