Hey fandom!
I am currently dumping my AO3 bookmarks to delicious so that I can have them someplace actually searchable, and in the process I was reminded of an XMFC fic I would like to reread. It was a Charles/Erik story where they got married, and it was *not*
A Summer Day So Late in Coming by
helens78, although that's a good one too.
It was, I think, an AU where they never actually broke up and they ran the school together. It was long and well-regarded in fandom and had a bunch of characters from the comics showing up to, say, the actual wedding at the end. I am sure that this probably describes many stories in this fandom, but does anyone have any idea what I might be thinking of?
lysimache found it:
Synthesis (Scenes from an AU). w00t. ♥]
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