Doctor Who 6x05, 06, 07: The Rebel Flesh, The Almost People, A Good Man Goes to War

Jun 25, 2011 17:08

Finally caught up with DW, after being inadvertently spoiled for all major plot points of "A Good Man Goes to War" shortly after the episode ended. It made me much less inclined to watch it.

The two-parter with the Flesh: Really stupid, and I did not care at all, and it was one of those plots that works if the characters are also really stupid. I dislike those. The doctors swapped shoes! Both Jennifers were Flesh all along, Rory. Argh! Seriously, everything at all worth watching was in the last five minutes of the episode, and that was just because it was arc stuff.

A Good Man Goes to War: Okay, so I did get spoiled, but nobody told me that this was the Moff writing Star Wars. Seriously, why was it Star Wars? Did no one tell him it had been done? It probably wouldn't have been so bad without the Death Star sets. I kept being like "I've seen that shot! And that shot! And, oh, look, blaster fights!" And then the monks had lightsabers, and there was that set that looked exactly like the detention level and I was rolling my eyes and wondering if the villains escaped into the garbage. Rory's big swishy centurion cape was starting to look far too much like Vader. (It is also a sign, probably, that I have been writing far too much Eagle if it took me ten minutes to figure out he was supposed to look like a Roman soldier, because, dude, not with that armor.)

Bonus point for um, gay dudes. Minus point for explicitly not giving them names, and then minus another point for killing one of them. That puts you at -1, show. But I guess there was the lizard lesbian sex joke, and I liked the lesbian lizard and her maid/girlfriend/whatever, so.

And, yeah, yeah, River is Amy's daughter. Whatevs. Thank you for ruining it, internet.

I am... not sure what to think about the next episode's title.

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