Reccing Macedon and some really awesome CYOA games

May 08, 2010 21:02

Rec the first: Macedon's Taberna.

Macedon is a Trek writer who gafiated years and years ago. I am sure I have previously recced his work here, but now it's easy to find because someone put it all on the AO3! When I first discovered that Star Trek had an online fandom (and not just profic and official magazines), his stories on ASC were some of the first things I ever read. (That and Killa's, but I assume all the K/S fen reading this have already read her.)

His writing is really good. No, really. Really, really good. You should read:

1. Wisdom and Beauty, a story about a Vulcan and a human in love. Note warnings, as it gets a little brutal in places, but it's excellent.

2. The Jeu-Parti trilogy, beginning with Orfeo. DS9 stories about Jake Sisko and his relationship with a Vulcan castrato. Very little DS9 knowledge required. (Man, I have a Vulcan-human relationship kink, don't I? It's okay, so does the rest of Trek fandom, right?)

3. The Talking Stick/Circle series, starting with Talking Stick, is definitely the best VOY fic ever, hands down. If Voyager had been like this, maybe I'd have kept watching. And he does a great job writing Chakotay. I remember the plots being fairly gripping, too.

I am going to go reread these now. Don't worry, there's plenty to read. (My descriptions are a little vague because I haven't actually reread these yet. Trust me, they are awesome.)


Rec the second: Choice of Games, making free multiple-choice games you can play on your computer or your Android phone or your iThingie. Currently they have Choice of the Dragon, in which you are a gold-hoarding princess-kidnapping dragon, and Choice of Broadsides, an Age of Sail adventure with some romance thrown in.

Normally I don't play these sorts of things, because I am sick of games where I have to play a straight boy. (Sometimes, if they are really progressive, you get to play a straight girl.) But the Choice Of people are committed to making games we can all enjoy! Yes, you can be a lesbian dragon! (I did fail miserably at seducing other dragons.) You can be a gender-free dragon who just wants to burn stuff! You can have your queer AoS swashbuckling! No, really!

I think, based on my one playthrough of each so far, that Broadsides was the more enjoyable game. I could tell I was going to like it, since as soon as I told it I wanted to play as a woman, the game cheerfully tells you: I quite agree. The place for a man is domestic, rearing the children and making a pleasant home for his wife. We put men up on a pedestal so that they do not need to face the hardships that women are more constitutionally suited to bear. The officers and crew of a Royal Navy ship are all women. Let's move on.

...hooray for AUs? :)

During the game, between your kickass naval battles and quelling the mutinies of your more disaffected crewmembers, you have the opportunity to court some opposite-sex people, if that's your thing. Or you can do what I did, and engage in a passionate secret lesbian affair with one of the French captains. (This character is male if you play a male, so yay same-sex love interests all around.) I then got myself court-martialed and executed for failing to try to kill my lover during a battle, but I think it was worth it.

Anyway. You should play this; it is made of awesome.

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games, fandom: star trek, recs, video games

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