I hate that they only call you if something is wrong. Meanwhile I'm wondering if I'm diseased over here, or dying, wondering if they even got around to the tests yet. Ugh. It's so weird, I've never been so affected by a pill, which is funny cuz this one is supposed to be a lower dose than all the others. INTERESTING. I've been feeling super irritable, and yesterday got like the first migraine I've had in months, my boobs feel a little bigger and hard as rocks...sweet. I'm counting on the fact that the only people that read this are Rae, Olen, Izzy and Jill possibly...hopefully that's the case. Anyway, I also am crazy hungry all the time, well, not so much hungry as just, craving to steadily eat...and at least twice this week I ate until I felt like I was actually going to puke. Like I felt the heaves in the back of my throat.
In other news, I smudged my house for the first time ever by myself. The smell gave me a headache and made ME smell, but, I needed to do it. Start fresh, leave all the bullshit behind, it's a new year, as good excuse as any to stop wallowing in self pity. I cleaned like crazy, am trying to reorganize my room to better suit creative urges. I really really want to make an effort to do more art. I miss my music. My computer is in the shop AGAIN...hence doing this from my phone.
Anyway, things are still going well with people, have some new hangout buddies which is nice. Wish I had more time to hang out. Wish everyone wasn't struggling so much. Got a promotion/raise at work, so that's good, but desperately need something more. More more more. That's the new theme. Anyway, that's it for now, hopefully more good updates to come!
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