From the depths of fandom.

Jan 07, 2006 16:23

From snegurochka_lee we have the ridiculously funny turtle porn. Completely and totally worksafe, incidentally.
Also, from amaneunsis1, we learn what our good friend Snape has been doing post-HBP. For a moment, imagine Snape as a Dungeon Master... From the comments:
"No, you may not cast Petrificus on the dragon. ...Why? Because someone of your feeble intellect couldn't Petrify a pixie. One more word out of you and I'll hex you mouthless. Roll the blasted dice while you still have hands."
"A freak accident activates a hidden portal, and you are immediately transferred to the terrasques' home dimensi- Mr. Potter, do you presume to tell me you are a specialist in terrasques? No? Then, as I said, you now stand in the terrasques' home dimension. Everyone roll initiative."

Finally, you should all read this fanfic by zionsstarfish. Slash, but not too obviously so. Too funny for words. READ IT! NOW!
[giggles madly and fangirls]

geek, hp, comics, slash, links, fanfic

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