my mind has never been silent.

Aug 27, 2009 22:38

I admit. I hold my tongue when I know my opinion will hurt someone I love. I say things to make people I care about happy. I tell white lies. When im asked complete honesty, I will give you that. And thats no lie.

I do this why? I like to keep my peers happy. Who wouldnt? 
I try to be the best kind of friend to have because I want to be treated the same way. I'm a good listener, but sometimes I need someone to listen to me.
My friends: they deserve the best for an attempt to understand me, or even act like they are listening.

I am more then frequently interrupted, unheard, or just plain ignored by my acquaintances.

I'm tired of being cut off. 
I'm tired of being interrupted.
Sick of my ideas being stolen.
I am discouraged of not being heard.
Being ignored makes me feel worthless at the least.

Its because of this feeling, that people think I am shy. I'm not shy. I just hate the feeling of someone not listening to me, so if I give you a chance for conversation and you blow me off, chances are I wont approach you after that unless its something important, because i dont like feeling disposable. You can associate with me as much as you want. You call me, I come. I aim to please.

If your going to listen to anything, listen to this,

IM NOT AFRAID to scream it out, IM NOT AFRAID to spell things out to you in the sky, but its because of people who have ignored me all these years, I've found I can say more by saying nothing at all.

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