Palin. Matt Damon said it best: Does she really believe in dinosaurs?

Sep 13, 2008 00:26

OK, I know everyone here is sick of politics but the more I read/see of this Palin chick the more I despise her.

First of all, the ethics scandal. She's already being accused of abusing her power and she's only been governor for two years. Imagine what she'd do in freaking Washington.

She's tried to ban books. I don't care how you try to reason that that is acceptable, it is not. You can not ban books in America. That's called censorship. And you can not fire people for refusing to ban said books.

She is against providing emergency contraception to rape and incest victims, and also supports a full abortion ban with no acceptions. I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. I love babies, and if I got pregnant I'm pretty sure I'd keep mine, but I am in no way going to even think about forcing that choice upon another woman, much less one who is carrying a baby conceived out of hate and violence. I can't even talk enough about this subject, and that's not even mentioning the danger/disease/death that will result due to botched back-alley procedures and do-it-yourself measures that would undoubtedly be enacted due to lack of a safe, clean environment.

She supports abstinence only education with lack of medically correct sex education. WTF. This has been proven over and over again not. to. work. People have sex. Get the hell over it. Without the right education and access to contraception, what do you think is going to happen? Her own daughter is a prime example of how well that whole thing works. Sure, gay people currupt marriage and family values, but it is A-OK to let 17/18 year olds marry due to an unwanted pregnancy and end up in a relationship that will most likely end in divorce and lots of miserableness. That's totally upholding moral family values, let me tell you.

She pronounces nuclear "nucular". Enough said. the facts, people. Please. It's between progression and regression. Make an educated decision when it's time to vote. Don't just run to the polls based on gender or race. Take an hour or two out of your day to read up on each candidate and their policies. Because this chick will more than likely end up being president if John McCain is elected and that alone should make you want to run screaming. If it doesn't, I don't really know what will.
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