Let's see, what's new?
•I got back my Wii from getting its graphics chip fixed. So, I have a new Wii Friend Code and well as have to make my Miis all over again. My new friend code is 5257 3268 0713 5472. Add me, those of youse that have the Wii goodness. Post your code here so I add back, too!
•Work's going okay, so far. I've gotten reacquainted with most of the regulars I had back during my days at the kiosk, and am slowly making new ones. I'm getting a hang of the store layout and have gotten a bit more comfortable as a result. The first week was a little daunting because there are ten times the customers that the kiosk had. My boss, Harvey, is a trip, and is being ultra supportive, willing to help me make my dream of a full-fledged Starbucks career a reality.
•Grabbed copies of
Vomitron's debut album and the new Psychostick album, "
The Flesh Eating Roller Skate Holiday Joyride". Vomitron's metal is great, and Psychostick's is good, but I think it was a little short and a bit early, since it's about Christmas. Whoops.
•Picking up the third Phoenix Wright title tomorrow, amongst running other errands. Though like my journal entries and video games, it'll probably end up on the list of things I have yet to do due to time constraints. I still haven't even played either versions of Twilight Princess, for Christ's sake!
•Halloween's steadily approaching, and so is my one year anniversary of getting together with Jess. Don't anybody pinch me, I am loving this dreamy relationship! I love her so much! *jumps on couch, Crazy Cruise-style*
That's about it for now, for the off-the-top-of-my-head update. Ciao!