Glee S3E17 thoughts

Apr 25, 2012 01:12

Some of this was written during commercial breaks and the rest right after. It jumps around and isn't the most insightful thing ever but I had feelings.
[Glee S3E17 Thoughts & Spoilers]
Kurt isn't wrong in liking to be appreciated...he was wrong in hiding the texts and continuing with the flirty texts when he knew Blaine wouldn't have liked it. I would have reacted like Blaine did at that point in my life, probably still today. *fingers crossed* that they'll address this issue of long-term, long-distance and what is okay/okay not in flirting with others. Clearly they need to talk like Blaine mentioned. Communication like you two usually engage in is key to adult relationships. Uggh, my heart! I really liked this episode. The songs were great, as always could do with less Will. I am going to jam out to these songs for days. The emotion and content behind Kurt's singing "I Have Nothing" was perfect even if it's not his best technical performance. Also can we talk about how Blaine is truly a member of ND now? He sang all about his relationship trouble in Glee. *sniffles* (I have an unhealthy love for that song and have since the first time I saw the video on MTV years ago.) And on a purely shallow note, Darren gave me such a lady boner in the black suit.

Puck's scene was funny and touching in his Puck-way. Another little moment I laughed a bunch at was Santana's "snap" after INRBIO performance. Let's talk about how much I love Burt Hummel? Chris & Mike just act so well together. I remember going off to college and having similar type conversations with my parents. BIKE CHANDERSON! BIKE CHANDERSON is real and they're friendssssssssssssssss.

WHERE THE HELL WAS MY KLAINE KISS? *Glee-rage* I'm so glad you finally brought up the elephant in the room, Kurt in NY and Blaine alone in Lima, but that was peck on the cheek moment at least! Let's not pretend that you have boundaries about being appropriate in front of teachers, Glee, if it was Finchel they'd be eating each others faces. But on a more serious note, yay for continuity and bringing up the Sebastian situation. Now let's learn from both this experiences boys. I like that Glee's an ensemble show but man, I totally want all the Klaine scenes! Like them talking after Kurt's song and just all the in-betweens we'll never to see acted out. I also want to see Kurt & Burt talk about Klaine....

Also, I'm totally taking Blaine's text to Kurt as canon that they sext! wooooooooo, bring me all teh fics.

ps-those that say Darren can't act? Suck on it haters :)


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