Brannen Legacy 1.1

Aug 16, 2009 22:18

50+ pictures. Language, infidelity, and fat townies abound.

This is Brenna Brannen, our founder, looking way prettier here in CAS than she ever will in-game. SERIOUSLY, what is up with that shit?! Anyway, she's based on Emily Mitchell-Dupuis by Morrighan at GoS.

Like I said, not as pretty. Not horrible, but not exactly a reason to cum all over the keyboard. Brenna's an inappropriate workaholic genius bookworm. And also a never-nude, because that and the Gobias character are clearly shouts out to Arrested Development. Her favorite color is green, favorite food mac & cheese, and favorite music is indie. Her LTW is to breed with robots or whatever level 9 of the science career is.

Brenna's humble abode, made by romagi at MTS because I suck at/have absolutely no patience for building houses. This leaves our BB with a grand total of $47.

After securing a job at the robot factory, I sent Bren to the park to troll for some sugar. Of course, these are the first two winners I spotted.

Luckily, Brenna doesn't seem to be interested.

That Cyborg3 guy's pretty decent looking, but I know a lot of people have already used him in their legacies, and besides, that self-absorbed little chickie seems to have moved in already.

I look away for 2 seconds a find Brenna's determined to yell at a kid over his crappy taste in literature. Lucky for the kid, Brenna's plans are foiled when he refuses to get off the swing.

Books gave me an idea, though. Why not look for some bookworm lovin' at the local library? Except apparently, there's a two-for-one special on preggos and grampas.

No luck at the swimming pool, either.

For reals, no luck. DO NOT WANT to see in swim trunks!

Back to the park, then. Hey, Bren, look! Two guys RIGHT THERE in front of your face! Quit it with the chess and take your pick!

Officer Suicide: NO ONE EVER PICKS ME!! I'll drown myself in this fountain! Don't test me; I'll do it!!

Brenna: So, are you in to bondage?

Slightly socially awkward, what with her inappropriateness and all, Brenna wasted no time in finding out that our man Christopher here was single and was soon on her merry way to steal a picnic basic from a kiddo.

Bren's never-nudeness saved her from the crazy EA cens0rshit; it's here that I realize she has absolutely no boobs. Guess I went a little crazy with the AM CAS slider hack.

Brenna changes into something a little more comfortable and invites Christopher over for a late night chat.

Christopher: And that, quite simply, is why lime green is the best color ever.

Brenna: STFU! Regular green is totally superior!

Christopher: You seem cranky, BB, how 'bout I put you to bed? *wink wink*

I let her be autonomous for 2 seconds and THIS is what I get. Damn you, inappropriate trait! Why did I do this to myself?

Chris left and Brenna went online, where she apparently found out this prime piece of lesbian real estate was for sale.

In the interest of procreation, though, I decided to give heterosexuality another try.

Brenna: Boy, your future's so bright, I hafta wear SHADES!

Christopher: Nice shoes, wanna fuck?

Totally autonomous! It's here that Brenna learned Christopher had the "great kisser" trait. Heh.

Ugh. Whatever. Prude.

Christopher: Oh, God, don't touch me! Your supple alabaster skin and lacy underwear disgust me!

Why so shy, Chris?

O I C. This popped up WHILE he was at Brennan's, BTW.

And then he passed out on the floor. Wooing two women must be exhausting, I'm sure.

Brenna: Oh, shit, I was gonna ask him to fix the sink!

As if finding out Christopher already had a girlfriend wasn't bad enough, as if the sink breaking wasn't bad enough, a burglar showed up.

Brenna: If only the educational system in this country were better, there wouldn't be so many young hoodlums out there in mah house, stealing mah dresser!

A quick scuffle ensued, so quick that I couldn't snap a picture, and our hoodlum got away.

Lady Cop: I'm sorry, this is so unlike me! I just haven't been the same since Tamara broke my heart!

Her dresser and her man stolen in the same night, Brenna did what any self-respecting single girl out there would do and drowned her sorrows in a ginormous tub of store-brand ice cream.

She gives things another try the next day, and heeey, I think I see some *autonomous* tongue!

BASTARD! But it was nothing compared to what would pop up to seconds later...


LOL WUT. As if things weren't bad enough for the poor girl.

Yep. That's hot.

The honeymoon is clearly over for our newlywed, as I was able to get him to snuggle with Brenna on the bed.

Or maybe not? It kept telling me he was "in too bad a mood to do that right now." Riiight. Like guys are ever in too bad a mood to have sexy tiems.

My plan to get Christopher into bed was to save up enough lifetime reward points for that "attraction" reward, so I granted Brenna's wish to buy a telescope, and when she looked through it, all of a sudden she was over $100,000 richer. WAKLjfkadsfjwhat just happened?! No pop-up to explain why or anything. Not that I'm complaining; I'm just curious.

And then, it was time to grow up. That's right, Brenna spent her whole young adult life unsuccessfully trying to hook up with Mr. Unfaithful.

Hey, look, homeless trash sleeping in the middle of the sidewalk, just like in real life! Accuracy, FTW!

Brenna finally had enough points for the attraction reward. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BB.

Jingles on the first try! I was worried I might need to save up for the fertility treatment now that's she's an adult.

Brenna: Are you sure I'm pregnant? I don't LOOK pregnant...

Heh, I think I really did a number on her with that hacked CAS slider.

Brenna: I've got some news. So, I was going for a walk in the woods the other day, and this giant fucking bear started chasing me, and I VOMITED IN ITS FACE, and it left. I thought it was just incredibly good timing, but it turns out...

Brenna: ...I'm pregnant with your BB.

Christopher: You're WHAT?! Oh, great, my bitter, infertile wife is just gonna love this.

Christopher: That's... awesome. You're awesome. Bears are awesome. Bearsbeetsbattlestargalactica.

Chris moved in, though he still hasn't officially left his old lady.

Christopher: This is all just a bad dream, right?!

He also aged up, which he is clearly just thrilled about.

Ooooh, burn!! Her husband's LIVING WITH HIS SOON-TO-BE-BABY MAMA, and on top of it, the poor girl gets demoted. Harsh.


Christopher: But what about dinner?! I'm starving over here!! I can eat teh BB?!

Don't worry, though, Chris has got his priorities straight. (Whaaaat? I'd take mac & cheese over childbirth any day!)

Oh, don't worry, he meets her there later.

That's all for now. Please comment!

brannen legacy

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