Big Brother, Day 17

Apr 02, 2008 14:07

BeeBee's magical glowing didn't bother any of the HMs as they slept, and though it perplexed the BB producers, Severus explained it was just 'one of those things' that could crop up in magical families.

Sam spent the night dreaming about Principessa. As much as he now wanted to win, he couldn't wait to get out.

He was the first up and dressed, and jumped into the kitchen to cook up a treat, showing off his culinary skills at the same time

Jodie was focusing more and more on the prize, which she felt was just within her grasp. So much so, that she didn't even notice this uncomfortable landing on the chair.

After breakfast, BB sent them out into the yard, where they saw a pond had been revealed. Their task was to Dig for Immunity - the House Mate who found the treasure would be going into the final three. The race was on!

Everyone wanted to make it into the final three, and started digging with gusto, digging up small statues,

rocks, bones,

and maps. They hoped the bones weren't anything interesting.

Elizabeth found a water pipe, much to her surprise, but she quickly filled the hole in.

Then in the next hole she dug, she found it! Elizabeth found the treasure - §5000 and straight into the final three!

With the task over (for now), everyone trooped inside to shower. Once that was done for Sam and Jodie, they exchanged some meaningful looks and headed to the bedroom, while the others were still in the bathroom.

Sam hoped that the ratings were still going strong, but that he had some ideas to help boost them, and perhaps give the two of them an edge over Severus and Elizabeth...if she was up for it.

Having been hurt twice by women already in the house, Jodie decided to give the other team a go.

If what BB saw...she enjoyed it.

Sam and Jodie were both pleased with what had gone on, but held no illusions about what this meant for them, their friendship, or the game.

Severus tried to ignore their antics as he tended to his glowing daughter, while Elizabeth was called into the backyard for the second part of the task - filling the holes in.

Before they went out to help with the holes, Sam congratulated Jodie on getting in on the plan.

Outside, Honey was stalking the house again, still mad at Jodie.

While it didn't have any direct affect on Jodie, it made Honey feel better.

She raged about Jodie for a while longer, before running away from the security thugs.

The House Mates worked hard at filling all those holes in, eager to get the job over and done with, finding it much easier to fill them in, than dig them up.

Severus was able to spend time inside taking care of BeeBee, instead of playing in the dirt, something he was more than happy with.

BeeBee was happy about that, too, and momentarily stopped glowing.

Once BeeBee was asleep and everyone was clean again, BB called them to the lounge for nominations, even though the outcome was a given. They still had to go through with allocating points.

Elizabeth was even more thrilled when she found out she would've made it through anyway, as she had the least amount of points.

Severus was just pleased they were getting to the end.

Jodie, of course, found it hilarious. This was old hat by now.

Sam was confused about why they had to nominate, if they were all going to be up for nomination anyway.

BB is just mean, Sam. He likes to see you squirm.

After a hard day, everyone headed to bed.

Even little BeeBee was tuckered out...and for now, had stopped glowing.


Who will you vote for?

big brother

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