Portocarrero Chronicle 2.5 - Ooooo.... Aaaaaa...!

Jul 26, 2009 22:21

Welcome to Part 7 of the Portocarrero Chronicle

WARNING: This post can take a long time to load for slow computers/internet connections, it has over 60 large images in it. Dial up may take a LONG time. Also.. might contain some nudity, cussing, gross humor, body-emissions and a wacky commentary. Enter at your own risk.

Previously on the Portocarrero Chronicle
Gen 1 - 1.0
Gen 2 - 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Last time, on the Portocarrero Chronicle:
We discovered what Conner's knees are made of (Jelly), that ghosts who were lovers in their Life
don't necessarily love each other in the after life o.O Bry got another make over. They wrote a lot
of books. Jay got her own room. Fiona brought home a (pregnant??? and possibly useless) cutie named
Ian (but not before being cock blocked by his roommate). Liam was EXTREME! Bry and Fiona became
attractive young adults and both got jobs. Everyone wore way too much GREEN. Momo and Bry
talked about medicine. And.. I think that's it!

Let's see what they're up to now!

Ossy wanders into the bathroom to complain...
Ossy's Ghost *Yawwn.. stretch* Man! I'm exhausted!
SG .. Ossy.. you crazy guy. You're a GHOST.

Meanwhile, Cy wanders in to talk to him.

Ossy's Ghost Hey lover, I'm really tired. I'm going to bed.
Cy's Ghost *disguted* Ewww STOP talking to me you ectoplasmic queen!
SG ...... Cy, you're completely inappropriate...

Meanwhile, next door.. HEY! It's the Triplets birthday!

Liam goes first. *chuckles* look.. his party toy looks like a torch, because of where it is in front
of the painting...
Next to him.. that bulge in the sheets? Yeah.. that's Bry sleeping..

... At least Bry sleeps right through it.. Poor Bry.

SWING! *sparkles* grown up Liam... >.<; Daddy's hair again.
He looks very effeminate just there. SG2 disagrees.

Bryce *Sleeping* ZzZzZzzzZzZzzzZzzZZzz

Conner's turn. The boy is as dramatic as EVER.
Conner I'm scared.. why is this happening to me!

Conner Look! I have daddy's hair too!
SG *grumbles, mutters*

Kevin's tu... say WHAT?! W... let's get a close up of this... O.O

SG *secretly hoping that face sticks, for humor purposes....*

SG *disappointed* Oh..
... well.. at least he didn't grow up WITH THE SAME DAMN HAIR?!?!? *throws things*

Before I had a chance to make him over, (IE while everyone else grew up) Liam ran outside
to play catch with his dead grandfather.

Oh hey.. it's Fiona's cutie.. Ian. The new skin makes him look good.

And look! I TOLD YOU HE WASN'T PREGNANT! But he fell right into the
black hole of run around in underwear that exudes from the family. Right on, Ian!

Liam came out a wee bit chunky. But we can fix that!
We made him super sporty with lots of flame prints on his clothes. Because he's X-treme!
We considered giving him bleached tips for a while, due to "Sun exposure" but decided against it in the end.
His work out and his every day clothes are the same. Topless with work out pants and sneaks.

Conner, the Scaredy Cat, was made over into an Emo. He has that dramatic-gay streak and so
it seemed fitting to dress him this way. LOOK! CC PIERCINGS :D

Kevin is EVIL. So.. he gets Marvin the Martian, lots of red and gloves (because he's probably
phobic of germs... >.> It makes sense to me, Ok?!) He also got <3<3 evil eyebrows <3<3

..... Conner sure looks jowley doesn't he?

Meg got a Shape-Changer a while ago, and I finally placed it behind the house.
Liam was made to sprint back there so we could work on his weight 'problem'.
The machine goes "Tapoke-ta Tapoke-ta Tapoke-ta".. ok it doesn't. But it should.

Tada .. Out of the smoke comes our new and improved Li...
oh geez.. Liam came out TOO thin >.< Time for some bulking up, buddy!

He complies. Our boy starts working out right away, to get some of his daddy's Beefcake muscles.

After he's done pumping iron he goes right back into the machine to get a little bulkier.
Please ignore the trail of "Blegh" that's following him out of the machine >.> *makes Liam take a shower*
Working out sure is stinky.

Liam is a dare devil. And athletic. So, what's his all time favorite thing?
To sneak out of the house at night to go work out at the gym. He gets a huge thrill from being
out after curfew to pump iron. *chuckles* You little scoundrel you!

He's tired, so he takes a nap between reps, at the gym.

After his lovely nap he goes to the bathtubs upstairs to clean up from his stink...
and proceeds to see how long he can hold his breath. heh.. cute.


Liam Hehehehe awesome! I can hold my breath for 10 minutes! X-TREME!

Back home, the family that does things in their underwear together.. uh.. skills up faster. Yeah...
The curse of the UNDERWEAR continues.

Bry is doing really well at work. He's constantly getting promoted. :) His first Dr's outfit!
Gooooo BRY! *waves pompoms*

Fiona joined the Athletic career. She's here, in her adorable work out getup, training so she can
climb the.. um... athletic ladder... at her job.

o.o.. who is THIS suspicious character, hanging out in our bathroom playing with the knobs O.O

OH! IT'S LOUISE! Mari's daughter! Remember? She looks SO much like her mother, wow!
Still.. that doesn't excuse her suspiciously fondling my knobs D:<

Heh, Kevin painting with those gloves on makes me laugh.. He's painting something appropriately
monotone and red. Good job, kid.

On the other hand, Conner's art... well... I... I just don't know what to say.

I take a peek into the kitchen and... Wha-! Who LEFT THEIR CRUST?!
We may have money, but we don't raise finicky kids! It's a GREAT sandwich!
.... *mutters*

... Liam is sneaking out again to go work out at the gym. Can you see the look of ecstasy on his face?
I wasn't kidding when I said it was his all time favorite thing. He always comes home dead tired
but with a "Adrenaline Rush" Mood modifier on his panel xD

The rug in Ossy-Cy's old bedroom *Fiona's current bedroom* must have study-aid powers or something.
It's not the first time a kid has avoided a perfectly good TABLE to do homework on that rug.

Fiona keeps getting 'Painting' wants... ok.. her rump is adorable ^^ it's the only reason I took this picture.
Because those panties are a total homage to her Grand-daddies Montague underwear escapades
So sue me...

Meg takes time out of her busy "I'm writing like a mad person" day to woo her Husband.
See Faolyn? It happens.

We have to stop everything! Stop the presses!

He has an F! And his school record is in the shitter.
WHY? Because he keeps sneaking out to work out all night and then comes home and SLEEPS
ALL DAY. Thereby.. missing SCHOOL. SG2 (aka his MOM) starts to panic!

But that's not all. His entire family pipes in with the same "I hope he does better in school" want!
ALL OF THEM! And Bry (his older brother) wants not only for his grades to improve but to HELP him
do it.. *grabs her chest, sniffles*.. that's so sweet *bawls* LIAM. You have such a NICE FAMILY!

Liam knows he done wrong and he wants his grades to get better too. Which means no more late night
work out sessions and some actual homework time!

The only person who isn't worried about Liam is his Daddy.
Because he KNOWS his son is going to get on the honor roll. :) aww Momo.. I <3 U.

Kevin is talking to his Zombi.. er.. sister Jay >.> and.. I notice this.. hilariously evil option in his
interaction menu.

WHAT?! ANOTHER CRUST! You spoiled brats!!! >.<

Bry got promoted.. look! SCRUBS :D He's happy about it too.

~Downstairs in the kitchen, Kevin's evil master mind plot unfolds.~

Kevin *annoyed* Ugh! I should have taken over the world by now! What's the hold up?

Kevin Hench-Zombie Jay. You're pretty smart, do you have any ideas that would help?

Jay *Zombie* Why don't you steal one of those ugly yellow school buses? It's as good a place to
start as any.

Kevin Of course... but I was hoping for something a little more dangerous and destructive than
that, Hench-Zombie Jay. (Yes.. that is how he refers to her every time he talks to her)

Both of them take a moment to consider what the other person said....

Kevin pipes up first
Kevin I have started planning a robbery of the local banking branch, to steal all of their diamonds.

Kevin It's still in the planning stages, I'm still not up to date on all the scheduling minutiae to pull it off.

Kevin And you see Hench-Zombie Jay, once I've acquired those diamonds, world domination is
pretty much in the bag. I figure, with all that money, I can make the world bow down to my power,
no problem.

Jay *Zombie* Why don't you just knock everyone out with sleeping gas? That seems like the easiest
way to get in without anyone stopping you.

Kevin Sleeping gas? OF COURSE! Sleeping gas! Why didn't I think of that? It's so SIMPLE!

Jay *Zombie* I sleep pretty good, I wouldn't wake up even if the house was on fire. I'm sure sleeping
gas is kinda like that. That's how I came up with the idea.

Kevin Ahh.. Hench-Zombie Jay, my dutiful minion. I really need to give you more credit. You are brilliant!
Jay *Zombie* I've been saying that all along.... Brraaaaaiinz

Jay *Zombie* Just promise me if this plan to go off without a hitch, that you'll give me the movie rights!

As soon as Momo gets home from work he and Liam sit down to hammer out his homework.

Its particularly adorable when, in the process, Momo realizes how brilliant he is by making a
connection he might have completely missed while he was in high school, and then is amazed by the
very fact of his brilliance.
Momo .oO{Huh.. I never thought of it like that.. Wow.. I'm so smart!}

Momo Son, you know I think it's great that you're taking such an interest in sports, but you NEED
to focus on your studies. Without a good scholastic foundation, a lot of opportunities will be closed
to you when you grow up.

Liam quickly reassures him.
Liam Don't worry dad. I know I messed up and I'm really going to start focusing on my studies from
now on.

The two of them settle down together again and spend the next few hours catching Liam up on all the
stuff he missed when he skipped school to sleep. His grades went from an F to a D, but his school
performance is still really low. That can only improve by going to school and paying attention in class.

The other kids stay on top of their studies by doing their homework together, in their pajamas
(a.k.a. their underwear hehehe)

Momo heads in to use the potty while Meg takes a shower. He proceeds to stare at her ass...
This brings up lots of fun memories from the Montague Legacy.

After he's done doing his thing, I give him (and Liam) some freckles.
Cute !! Have I mentioned how much I love Custom Content yet?
SG2 mentioned how young he looks in this one. Well.. SG2 and Faolyn both said they didn't like the
stubble. That's what happens when a grown man has no facial hair o.o The freckles probably don't help.

Jay is still a zombie.

.. Tightie-whities and band aids on his knees... Conner, you're a scaredy-cat but you're also adorable.
Who's with me?

Eat your damn crusts D:<
Bry quickly pulls the "OMG I'VE BEEN CHIDED BY GOD" Face... as he should.

Oh hey! It's finally Jay's birthday!! I know you're excited to finally be up for the Heir Poll Jay..
but can you please not smile like that? It ruins all my Zombie hopes for you!

Jay *grows up* .. Sorry Sim God! *huge eyed zombie stare*
SG That's better

ok.. she's adorable ^^

After her make over Jay's hair ends up a more platinum blonde with zombie-appropriate green streaks in her hair.
It looked cute in CAS but I don't know if I'm feeling the streaks after all.... She also gets more gothy make up and
a Monroe piercing. (Mom approved!)

This family is just book-writing crazy! Here's most of the titles they managed to get to the presses.

That's it for this time!

Don't forget, you can download Jo-Alice over at the download a sim post here.
PLEASE check out the next post and VOTE for the Gen 3 Heir!
We need as many votes as we can get so that I can start bringing in the Gen 4 kids!
The dead-line for the poll is going to be Wednesday, the 29th!

As always, Thanks for reading our Portocarrero Chronicle!

bryce, ian, portocarrero chronicle, liam, ossy, kevin, cycl0n3, fiona, conner, moliere, meg, jo-alice

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