It's about time I got up off my lazy butt and wrote this update. Or, rather, sat down at my computer and wrote it. :X
Warnings: LOTS of spam, kissing.
Latonya is such an awesome mommy. Way better then the adults. <3
Baby born, straight back to dancing she goes. XD When her son doesn't need feeding, changing, or loving, that is.
Connor is like the best boyfriend ever. He calls her every afternoon, and they talk for hours.
Usually about planets. XD
Paco icesicle Popsicle anyone?
And birthdays times three! Whee!
Jinanne looks so much like her mommy.
And I'm not sure who Willy looks like.
Sebastian is so flipping adorable that it HURTS. All his daddy's genetics, AND he has Jessica's tilted eyes!
I dare you to tell me that Latonya isn't a kick-ass mom. I DARE you.
Toddler spam? Why of course!
I was thinking of grouping all the spam together...but then you'd get all the adorable in one lump, and it is yummier if you spread it out. ;)
Yes, I still take random shots of Latonya.
Jessica is a beautiful elder. Still can't compete with Nutmeg Knight, but beautiful nonetheless.
HEHEHEHEHE. The dreads plus the uniform make Leila so win. XD
Jess has too much spare time. ;) And I'm tired of paintings.
Still winning at life, I see.
Sebastian: Mommy ish home!
As soon as she gets home from school or work, she stalks Sebastian until she can pick him up for snuggles. <3 <3 <3
Wow. Just wow. New hair and she will be incredible. I know it's just face-template-number-one, but I still love it. She's the gamer hobby lot lady. XD
Latonya: Here. I'm happy with my boyfriend, so have this.
Paco: ZOMG RLY??
Dude. You've got one already. Chill.
Fit Evil Lord is fit. XD
<3 <3 <3
In every single legacy I've ever played, I've had an alien kid in generation two. This time, it looks like generation three!
The rest of the family? Cares not in the slightest.
Aw, sad Paco. *pats* Pregnancy shouldn't be too rough. unless you are dumb like your father
When I was trying to make a family tree, I realized I hadn't taken a good face-on shot of Latonya. Isn't she just beautiful?
There was no upchucking and no bells, so it looks like the last slot in the house is going to have to be filled by a human baby. Rats.
And that's it for toddler spam, I promise. ;)
IDK why, but I fine this very amusing. XD
Growth spurts!
But we interrupt the makeovers with a Sebastian-sees-snow spam.
Ahem. Anyways.
Sebastian. Still ZOMG CUTE.
And Jinanne!
Yes. His first child action is to hug his mom. ILU SEBASTIAN.
simgaroop posted about how adorable rollerskating was, so I had to test it. Only with ice skating, because it was winter. Connor came over, so that he, Latonya, and Sebastian could have some quality family time.
Sweet, or what?
And thanks to the wonderful Juan, I now have primping! I haven't had a sim be able to primp since, oh, I installed seasons?
Odd stopping place, I know, but the next thing I did was to send Latonya, Connor, Erika, and Caitlin to college, and the 3.1 file had about 150 pictures in it for the gen 2 kids will be next update. :D
Thanks for reading!