Submission Post #736

Jan 21, 2022 17:05

1) Comments are screened, but please submit secrets anonymously.
2) Host your images at, preferably. If it goes against their TOS you can host it elsewhere. Please provide the URL to the actual picture, nothing else. You don't need to code it (and LJ doesn't use BB/forum code, so stop it). Just paste the "Direct link for layouts" into the comment box. If you want an image that lasts forever [for whatever reason], you can upload it to Tumblr and then delete it after you grab the image link, as that will remain active forever.
3) WCIF and help requests won't be posted. You can use Google instead.
4) Secrets must be somehow related to The Sims games. Whether it's a gameplay secret or a non-game secret that uses the game to illustrate it. To count as sims-related, the secret must contain either a reference to the games or related materials OR a picture from the games, with the exception of usernames and profile/banner images, etc. Vague references to "content" or "story" are only accepted if the mods can recognize that it is in fact sims-related.
5) Submission post will close 8 hours before secrets are posted (normally at 3 pm GMT/10 am EDT).
6) Further rules/recommendations are normally found listed on the community info page.
7) If you don't submit your secret correctly with a DIRECT link, I will upload it to Discord so that I can mock you privately but it will still be posted with a Discord URL. I won't be happy about it though. >:(
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