previous updates
(1.0) (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) (1.5) (1.6) I apologize for not updating in a while, Real Life gets in the way, you know.
Brief recap: Ruby, a Romance Sim, is the heir, and her main squeeze in University was Contessa Lydia, a vampire. Christine, Ruby's mom, has reached her LTW of graduating three children from college, but her spouse Taylor hasn't because technically Christine's firstborn wasn't his (lame, I didn't realize that).
I return to the Tudor's home to find this.
Aww, poor Taylor. He's full of fail.
Ruby got another makeover. :)
Ruby marries Contessa Lydia, her college sweetheart, of course! Ghetto on the sidewalk in true legacy fashion.
Contessa Lydia: $$$$$! Oh, and I love you, baby.
The Tudors have something like $50,000 by this point.
No big, though, because the Tudors never ever have to work again. Holy shit.
Wedding portrait ~through Ruby's eyes~... literally
Favorite. What a beautiful wedding picture, I love the garden <3
Yay, chimes! :D
Contessa Lydia's arm gets stuck at a right angle after she picks some fruit...
...resulting in this. SCARY!
Ruby: Um, problems!!!
I head over with a smile, expecting a pop!
I panic a little bit, because this is actually my first Sim to ever die accidentally! I take very good care of my Sims, and as you can see Ruby died of hunger WHILE EATING.
Thank God Christine is home to plead.
Christine: Oh please Mr. Grim Reaper, don't take my daughter! She's an HEIR, and she's PREGNANT! I know she's a bit of a dumbass who doesn't know how to feed herself, but I WANT GRANDCHILDEN. I mean, it's not her time to die yet! You can take her after she has a baby. My legacy must continue! And we shall grow and prosper and provide decades and decades of Sims for you to kill! AND I WANT GRANDCHILDREN.
Grim: Fine, fine. You know how this works, now choose.
Christine: Uhhhmmm...
Grim: Any day now.
Christine: I, uh... oh God, this is too much pressure.
Grim: You rasied six children, what do you mean, too much pressure? Pick now, or NO GRANDCHILDREN.
Christine: ...this one?
Christine: WOO HOOO!!!!
Grim: Hmph. Whatever, I'll be back.
Christine: Yay, I saved someone from... wait what? When?
Grim: Nevermind.
Ruby: *inhale*
Ruby: YES I'M NOT DEAD!!!!
Good for you, now SIT DOWN AND EAT.
Christine: Hey, you know what you're not?
Ruby: What?
Christine: A ghost.
Christine: And do you know why you're not a ghost? Because your awesome mother saved you, that's why. Your awesome mother who you are so ungrateful for, saved you from being a ghost, because she's amazing.
Ruby: Heh heh... yeah... thanks, Mom.
Christine: So, I see your new wife is a vampire. How exactly does that work? I mean... can vampires even do that? Because they're dead. So is that like necrophilia?
Ruby: MOM!!!
Ruby: I know that I'm all grown up and all, but there's some aspects of my life that I'd like to remain private, okay?
FugMaid: Ahh... I smell an awkward conversation here.
Christine: *grudgingly eats*
Ruby: *minus*
Christine: God, these omlettes taste awful. Who the hell made these anyway?
Ruby: ...I made these omlettes, Mom.
Ruby: But you know what, I am grateful to you for saving my life, so I'll let you in on a little secret. Lydia and I are having a baby! You're going to be a grandma!
Christine: ...grandchildren?
As I was wandering around upstairs, I discovered the baby potty was still filled back from when Antigone and Polyneices (Ruby's siblings, now in University) were toddlers.
Contessa Lydia: That's fucking disgusting!
No argument here!
Oh god. She's trying to bite her father-in-law.
Contessa Lydia: What's wrong with that? He's sexy!
Well, I'm not stopping her.
Contessa Lydia makes a shitty Vampire Queen.
Taylor: Hell no, I don't want to be bitten.
Contessa Lydia: What? Rejection?! I'm telling Ruby about this!
Taylor: My daugher married a crazy bitch! *minus minus*
Contessa Lydia: Yeesh, that didn't go over well.
Ruby: I'm starving again!
With an heir that handles pregnancy this badly, this is going to be a loooong generation.
Oh no. Please don't die.
Nope, it's LABOR! I'm glad it was at nighttime so Contessa Lydia was there to see :)
I randomized, but there was only one baby. Christine and her two sets of twins have spoiled me!
The naming theme for this generation will be famous ballet dancers. Angel is named after
Angel Corella, a principal at ABT and one of the greats of our time. See a sample of his dancing
Angel has brown hair and green eyes. WTF. I guess the brown hair was recessive, and the green eyes must come from Lydia.
Contessa Lydia: Mmm, that new baby smell!
The fact that she is a vampire makes it that much more disturbing!
I have great faith in their parenting skills. Don't you?