The Kershets 1.3

Dec 06, 2009 12:57

I haven't actually played the sims in over a week - I'm spending all my time playing Dragon Age. This means, after this entry, I'm pretty much caught up to where I've played with the Kershets! Woohoo!

Dreamboat (katu_sims - Behr legacy) would like to welcome you back to the Kershet house by showing off his broken arm. Ever since his sons were born, he's been walking around like this, one hand forever poised in mid-air. I guess the shock of the birth gave him some kind of stroke. He doesn't let it handicap him at all though!

See? You don't need two good arms to get exercise. Dreamboat would never let a little thing like a physical deformity get in the way of his workout regime. And he would certainly never let something like a stinking, rotten baby bottle distract him from his fitness goals. Nothing comes between Dreamboat and the bike...and I do mean nothing.

Dreamboat: ♪ Ain't nothing gonna break my stride
Nobody's gonna slow me down
Oh no, I've got to keep on moving ♪

Hello there, Honey Ostador ( jens_sims)! No one's befriended her yet, but I think she and her great boobs mouth would make a fine addition to this legacy.

We're about two hours into the twins' postnatal lives, and I can see this is going to be something of a slog for Buttercup. Dreamboat is downstairs, probably biking, apparently influenced by my nobabyharrass hack from MATY into thinking he doesn't even have children at all. This little darling is Mango Tango.


And Tiger's Eye. They're competing in the little known but highly competitive and elegant sport of synchronized load dropping. I give you guys a 10.

Tiger's Eye: 'Sup.

Father of the Year. *drops pennies in gaping maw* *pokes arm*

Mommy to the rescue! I'm sorry about the crap decorating in the nursery. I was decorated out at that point, so it's just yellow carpet, light yellow walls, yellow baby furniture, done. Doesn't make for great pictures.

After changing two stinky diapers ALL BY HERSELF, Buttercup is ready to call in reinforcements.

Buttercup: Yes, hello, my husband is useless and I'm being driven crazy by my newborn twins. *pause* Four hours old, why do you ask?

Say hello to Nanny. If you're going to do such a dramatic dye-job, Nanny, you shouldn't totally neglect your eyebrows. They're a bit OBVIOUS. For some reason it kind of reminds me of when my cat thinks she's hiding but her tail is actually sticking entirely out from under the bed, causing me to have to say things like, "Now, where could the cat be? She was just here a second ago!" while her tail swishes madly in her delight. Um, so yeah, I imagine Nanny's friends are all like, "You can't tell at ALL that it's dyed! You look 20 years younger!" etc.

I believe I have mentioned previously that everyone LOVES SUNBEAM.

Ok, what's going on here, Dreamboat? Are you - stretching? flexing? detaching your head from your body? dislocating your shoulder? What?


So take a shower, Smelly. Maybe it will heal your arm. Hmm, I just noticed the desk clutter is poking right through the desk itself. Oh well, it's not as if the sims will ever need to actually use those pencils.

Hey, look at that! Helpfulness! Creative use of your broken arm, Dreamboat.

Note: All those cacti you see outside died of neglect within like four sim days. That's right, the CACTI died from lack of WATER. In the DESERT. What's Buttercup up to, aside from shirking the gardening?

Ah yes, single-handedly caring for newborn twins. Carry on.

Hey, the bass fixed his arm. Hey, Dreamboat, remember your kids? Small, named after crayons, poop a lot? Ringing any bells?

I guess she's got it under control...?

Honestly, Dreamboat, you're becoming appalling. Stuffing your face while your exhausted wife cooks you dinner, never lifting a finger to help with the childcare, what's next? I completely anticipate an affair with a coworker while Buttercup slaves away at home, which you'll justify by saying she never has any time for you anymore. Or, you know, whenever some three bolt hottie comes along and I won't be able to stop your ACR addled brain.

D'awwww ok I was a little hasty with my negative "your relationship is DOOMED" predictions. Dreamboat + Buttercup = OTP <3!

Buttercup is failing pretty spectacularly at working towards her LTW of becoming Captain Hero. Skilling is easy enough, but making all of those damn friends all by herself is impossible. Dreamboat came with a few friends, but they've all buggered off after he turned into a mindless zombie when he moved in.

Thank God the nanny's here. Whatever would we do without her help.

Sunbeam attempts to pick up the slack while Buttercup is at work and the nanny is holding her own jazz festival downstairs. Actually, I looked at her queue, and she was waiting for Tiger's Eye to Hug her. AWW! You're going to be waiting a while for that, cat. Let him figure out what his hands are for, first.

Oh, I can't believe I only took one picture of this epic struggle. Ok, so the nanny and the maid have a major personality conflict or something going on. Predictably, they both want to clean the same stuff at the same time. This led to countless episodes of stomping, whining, refusing to blink first, and an extremely long showdown at the stairs, where the nanny stood at the top, stinky bottle in hand to bring down, and the maid stood at the bottom, desperately needing to come and get the stinky bottle herself. No one could move. For hours. (The stairs are some custom spiral staircase which I guess only allow one sim at a time.)

I've never been so glad to see a sim get home from work in my life. I'll even forgive the family sim carryings-on.

Buttercup: ♪ She works HAAAARD for the money ♪

Burning cactus: DOOOOOOM

!!!! What's this??? It's birthday time! Our first real glimpse at generation two! SO EXCITING!

I think this is Mango Tango...(do the four candles on the infant cake mean that toddlers are supposed to be about four? Because they can't even walk yet. Four candles would make so much more sense for the toddler to child transition. /nitpick)

And here he is - little Mango Tango, ushering in the new orange era. (I like seeing how other Rainbow legacies handle the two-generations-in-one-house thing. I notice a lot of people theme the youngest generation's rooms to the new color. I figure, it's the yellow generation's house, so everything stays yellow except for the little orange kids themselves and their clothes and stuff. This also lets me off the hook for finding orange stuff until later!)

NEXT! Tiger's Eye is ready. Buttercup looks a bit tired. Dreamboat is god-knows-where.

But of course.

Tiger's Eye! You can't see his face very well in this shot, but he's definitely got Buttercup's eyes. I find him INCREDIBLY cute.

Whoa, look who's upstairs for the first time ever! Dreamboat, have you come to get your FIRST glimpse of your kids since their birth?

Ah, of course. False alarm.

I don't have AL, so the toddler's can't interact really, but it looks like they are here! Tiger's Eye looks like a kind of worried little old man. I love him.

I think Mango Tango is going to take after Dreamboat. I can't remember EVER having twin boys before. I get twins all the time, but they're usually mixed gender, or two girls. Yay for boys! (Except not completely yay, because like 85% of my CC is definitely for girls.)

This is also my first experience with non-controllable toddlers. Come on, Tiger's Eye, go sleep in the nice, cheaty, toddler's blanket I got for you.

Huh, well, that was easy. *feels a little guilty about using the blankets* *recalls how annoying normal toddlers are without them* *changes mind, has no remorse, toddler blankets forever*

Ok, so imagine Dreamboat doing this for a really, really, really long time. This led to...

My first ISBI fail!! I have no idea what the hell need he was hoping to fill by coming upstairs. Nothing but toddlers and their detritus up here. I guess he could be going for the baby bottle fridge...I know Buttercup likes to sneak up there and try to make salads when I'm not looking.

Mango Tango: Who is this person, and why does he disturb us with his wretchedness?

Dreaming of his own stink. I still think it's one of his turn-ons.

NICE! Let's see, peeing yourself in a ballerina outfit while your toddler, uncared for and unloved, puts himself to bed. I AWARD YOU NO POINTS, AND MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL.

Still in dire need-crisis (although no longer with a full bladder), Dreamboat decides it's a matter of the utmost urgency to dance with Buttercup. I mean, he impaled himself through the staircase. It was URGENT.

Hooray for eating!

Sunbeam: *peeks*

Even when he's being a little beast, Tiger's Eye is adorable. Yes, yes, you pooped yourself before Buttercup got you to the potty. It happens. Calm down.

Toddler SPAAAAAM: Mango Tango!

Toddler SPAAAAAM: Tiger's Eye!

HOLY SHIT Dreamboat is cooking. This is a first. He's never attempted this before *bites nails*...hey, is that an omelette? He's been holding out on me! Watch him have ten cooking points or something.

Hmm, probably not. Good try though, I will accept any outcome other than burning down the kitchen.

Ehehehe, my cat does this constantly. I just love that she's on the toddler blanket. (In my mind, I think of Sunbeam as male, but I'm almost positive she's actually a girl. If I confuse my pronouns, that's why!)

The tongue sticking out of her mouth slays me. Dogs do this, not cats, MAXIS.

Sunbeam: *runs around to the William Tell Overture*

Ooh, not fast enough, cat. Mango Tango got you, and it doesn't look like he's going to let go anytime soon.

Sunbeam: O.O

Yay, affection from an adult! The twins basically just live upstairs, taking care of their own needs, with an occasional diaper change or bottle coming their way from Buttercup. They might grow up feral.

My one shot of Buttercup's potty training face. You look like Dreamboat with your mouth open like that.

We have toddler mobility! And fulfilled a big want! Yay, Mango Tango won't grow up to be a little hoodlum who'll never amount to anything.

Wow, and potty training! But it seems Tiger's Eye didn't care if he was potty trained or not, so no aspiration points. This should still cut down on the furious screeching of a toddler with full diaper.

Helpful as always. Dreamboat, your breath is FINE. GOD.

This might be a first since Buttercup delivered the twins. After this happened, I could have SWORN I heard the baby jingle, and I went around waiting for Buttercup to pop for like two sim days, and then I realized that she just plain wasn't pregnant. Good story.

Tiger's Eye, showing off his potty skillz.

Tiger's Eye: I use the potty, ALL BY MYSELF!

Me: Hey now, them's fightin' words around here. No Celine Dion for you.

Mango Tango always looks so earnest and hopeful. Sorry kid, your brother is still my favorite.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is the baby doing downstairs? The downstairs is a toddler-free zone. We don't need them wandering off into traffic or playing with every wolf that comes along. This is Mango Tango's first view of the living room since his birth.

Oh, I see. I only bought the stupid high chair because Buttercup wanted one. Why would you ever use it when there is a much faster and easier option always available? Usually when the nanny plops a kid in a high chair, they refuse to take them out again, but our nanny is actually quite competent, as it turns out.

It sure does rain a lot, here in the desert. Amazing how the CACTI died of DROUGHT.

Another walker! Neither of them learned to talk, and I don't think Mango Tango ever got potty trained. But I think three total toddler skills isn't bad for an ISBI with twins...right? Sigh.

Another birthday! And hey, there ARE four candles on the cake this time, too. Huh.

Make a wiiiish, Mango Tango!

And here I will leave you! My first cliffhanger. Such as it is. Stay tuned for the next installment, where the twins' big boy faces will be revealed! Just as soon as I pry myself away from Dragon Age.

ISBI Stats:
  • Torch-Holders = 1
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 0
  • Shrink Visits = 0
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 0
  • Self-Wettings: 1
  • Pass-Outs: 1
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0
  • Reach top of a career = 0
  • $100,000 = 0

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