The Kershets 1.2

Nov 21, 2009 15:36

Aaaand we're back with another installment of the Kershets. I'm not letting myself play any farther until I get at least two more updates done! And Dragon Age is also taking up some gaming time. I have a lot on my e-plate! Is it just me or do the characters in that game look a lot like sims from the Sims 3? Anyway, on with the update!

When we left off, Dreamboat Behr ( katu_sims) had just given in to Buttercup's demands that he move in. Congratulations, Dreamboat, you're our first idiot, not counting Sunbeam. Visiting us we have Chuck October ( smustleparty). At least I am 98% sure that's him. To be honest I'm not sure how he got in here. I don't think Buttercup invited him. Sweet, our first stalker!

In his first autonomous act since joining the household, Dreamboat chooses to...sit here with a dopey look on his face. I warn you now, I follow him around with the camera a lot to see what he's up to. I'm SO not used to this letting my sims do their own thing thing. That's part of the reason I chose an ISBI, because all my other games eventually slow to a snail's pace once I get a bunch of kids and I pause every two seconds to make sure everyone is doing what I want them to do. This should, in theory, go a lot faster with only one sim under my thumb!

Anyway, joke: Dreamboat is dumb, haha!

His freedom doesn't last long, as it's thematic makeover time! Get used to these undies, he's rarely seen in anything else. I don't think being blond suits him much, but this is the Yellow Generation and that trumps all.

Dreamboat eats his soup like a good boy. Three sim hours in and he seems happy so far!

Dreamboat: Have you met my girlfriend Buttercup? She's named after a flower! :D

Well here's something that usually never happens in my game. Ugh, Dreamboat, that's disgusting. My husband does that but we each have our own milk carton so I have to let it go. Still. Gross. I just imagine the crusty milk bits around the rim...*shudders*

Refreshed, Dreamboat decides to dance for five hours.

Dreamboat: ♪ My name is Humpty, pronounced with an Umpty

Dreamboat: ♪ That girl is poiiiiiiison!

Dreamboat: ♪ Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin...

Dreamboat: *imitates Bambi on ice*

Dreamboat: ♪ whistles ♪

Ok, that's enough of Dreamboat's Underpants Dance Party.

Sunbeam angrily concurs.

He tucks himself in - no couch napping (actually this house has no couch) or bed hopping (this is the only bed...). *thumbs up to Dreamboat*

Where's Buttercup, by the way? We haven't seen her since...*scrolls up*...the first picture. Have I paid so much attention to Dreamboat that Buttercup has wandered off unloved to perish quietly somewhere?? BUTTERCUP WHERE ARE YOU

Cat interlude. I guess MOAR Sunbeam will help fill this Buttercup-shaped void. Who's a pretty kitty?!?!?!

You are!!

I love that EAxis programmed in the back feet kick in the cats. This is what my cat does to my arm when I try to pet her belly.

Sunbeam hates this particular cabinet. You'll see. I PICK THE CABINET OVER YOU SUNBEAM. IT IS MORE YELLOW.

Thank you, Dreamboat, for that positive reinforcement of Sunbeam's evil destructive ways.

Dreamboat: *smooches kitty*

Hey, check it out! Dreamboat is dressed! And employed! Turns out he's an intern in the Politics career. I guess you just give up on promotions in an ISBI - is there even a way to get a sim to work on his charisma without actually making him do it?

Buttercup! My sweet! There you are! I was getting rather concerned!

Also, note the stink on Dreamboat. Although, I can't really call this ISBI related fail, as this is the only shower. He's trying.

Buttercup's buttcrack: *peeks*

The happy couple enjoys a stinky kiss. I'm actually pretty sure that one of Dreamboat's turn-ons is stink, because sometimes they have three bolts and sometimes they have two, and he's all over her while she's headed for the shower or working out.

Whoa, you two weren't even in love yet? I've been going about this all backwards! Well, I guess you're not married or pregnant yet (ARE you?) so we're still in the clear.

Whoa, Dreamboat looks like he wants to eat her right up. Ahem.

That will not get your stink off, but I'll take it over the sponge bath I was assuming you were going to take in the kitchen. Shower's free....anytime you feel like taking one. Aaaanytime.

So close, Dreamboat. SO CLOSE. The spaghetti is to your right. Just one seat over. I don't understand his facial expression here.

Dreamboat: I'm stinky and sleepy and hungry and I want the spaghetti to be WITHIN MY REACH.


I guess he solved that little problem by himself.

Buttercup: I smack you! :D

Is it just me, or do those pillow fights actually look kind of painful sometimes? I don't think I would last long as a sim.

Ladies and gentleman, Dreamboat's naked butt. *pauses for moment of appreciative silence* *wonders how long photobucket is going to allow this to stay up*

In other news, he found the shower!

Is it just me, or is Buttercup a bit...bluer than I remember? It's not winter (there is no winter here in the desert)...I think she's just that color. *squints*

Buttercup: Oh, Dreamboat, marry me!
Dreamboat: *squee*
Pile of rubble: *adds visual interest*

Aww, the whole family in one shot. Dreamboat did NOT get any aspiration points for getting engaged, boo. I'm almost certain he's a family sim. BE HAPPY, DREAMBOAT!

Well, he likes dancing at least. I think we figured that out from the Underpants Dance Party.

My little buttercup, has the sweetest smile
Dear little buttercup, won't you stay awhile
You and I will settle down in a cottage built for two, oh

Dear little buttercup
Sweet little buttercup,
My little buttercup
I love you

Well, that was adorable yet somewhat hilariously out of nowhere.

Dreamboat knows just what to say (sing) to get Buttercup in the sack. Although they don't look terribly excited. Where's the passion, guys? You're not even married yet! Is it Buttercup's un-thematic underwear? I'm sorry, I just didn't get around to downloading yellow skivvies! Get to it, I NEED ORANGE BABIES!

Sunbeam takes full advantage of her people's distraction.

♪ On top of spaghetti
All covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed ♪

What, the cat sings now? I'm sorry, that's just ridiculous. No singing cats on my watch. Nyet. Nein.

He does this constantly. It's kind of endearing. Your breath is fine, cutiepants.

Whoops, flushed the toilet on Buttercup's shower.


Well, Buttercup, that's kind of the point.

Those sheepish, hangdog expressions are marking their success (FINALLY) in getting Buttercup up the pole. I'm letting them have free reign in their family planning. I'm sure I will regret that once homework time comes around, what with them both being family sims.

This ISBI thing isn't so hard! Dreamboat bathes, sleeps, and obediently eats what Buttercup puts in front of him. He's never once tried to cook anything on his own. I think we're going to be just fine. *whistles happily, ignoring the GIANT ANVIL OF DOOM hanging over her head*

HOVERCAKES! I can't remember where I first saw someone point this out in a legacy. It might have been Ephemeral Toast (who is MISSED). Teach us your technology, pancakes. I want hover boots really bad.

The family that skills together, stays together. Or something like that. Buttercup's dress masterfully staying modest despite her best efforts reminds of another sim dress I have that fails at this task. The sim wearing it had an anatomically correct skin, sat on the couch, and HELLO LINDSAY LOHAN.

The puke of PROOF! Buttercup is truly in the family way.

Buttercup befouls the toilet and walks out, head held high, secure in her womanhood.

Buttercup: ♪ I'm every woman, it's all in MEEEEE ♪

And now, another picture of Dreamboat taking care of himself. And thinking about banging his fiance. Mmmm pancakes and sex.

This is the one thing he does that is not ideal. STAND UP STRAIGHT ASDFGHJK!!!

It's wedding time! I would have done a whole wedding party thing, with guests and an arch and cake and stuff, but Buttercup and Dreamboat don't actually have any friends. Yeah, it's sad. They're that couple who gets together and never talks to any of their old friends again. (Dreamboat especially as he literally can't call anyone on the phone!)

I'm not going to point out Sunbeam going to town on the replacement cabinet. Nope.

Yay, giant want achieved! Sunbeam, for the love of god. Seriously. (Note: those are actual words I say to my actual cat at least hourly.)

Dreamboat's first act as a married man is to put his parka on and go clean the toilet his new wife has thoroughly soiled. Whatever floats your boat...Dreamboat.

What's an appropriate sound effect for pregnancy pops in this legacy??

Buttercup: ♪ Ding! ♪

Ok, that'll work.

Aw, the widdle preggo sim can't keep her face out of her pasta.

Dreamboat: *plunk*
Buttercup: *splat*
Dreamboat's Parka: *looks awfully hot*

To my delight, Dreamboat got a promotion! I looked up the skill levels needed for politics, and apparently you don't need any skills at all until you get to like level 4. Is that some kind of social commentary, EAxis?? After that though, you need charisma and I don't see how he's ever going to get any, unless I got lucky and he has some already.

While Dreamboat goes out to earn a living, Buttercup here the kitchen. *sighs* But very cute! I bet that's Batch October ( bondchick_nett) on the phone. He calls a LOT.

Buttercup: Remember when it was just you and me, Sunbeam? Doing whatever we wanted, no responsibilities? *sighs* Those were the days, huh?

Me: Oh, whatever, you couldn't go two seconds without singing All By Myself at top volume when you were single.

Buttercup does seem to have a case of the blues. I put this cactus out here and she ran outside to sigh at it.

Buttercup: I hate this cactus. *kicks* Ow.

Everyday after work, Dreamboat comes straight inside and tucks himself into bed. Today this has resulted in a terribly full bladder upon awaking. Will we see our first self-wetting???

Spoiler: Nope. He made it.

He does this a LOT. I swear they only have two bolts. I think he's just super lazy.

Dreamboat: Now that we're married, we can do this naked!

Ohh, is that how it works? *confused*
*cracking herself the hell up at Dreamboat's disguise*

Buttercup: ♪ Ding!! ♪

Dreamboat thinks his pregnant wife is super hot. I approve of you, Dreamboat. Good man.

I titled this picture "Blah". How helpful of me. Yes, blah indeed. Hilarious.

Dreamboat, I bought that specifically for Buttercup. If she's ever going to be Captain Hero, she needs to work out a lot more. However, thank you for wearing amusing workout clothes, even though they are not yellow.

Hey, look who's here to steal the paper! It's Izzy Sterling ( xel_squirgle_ox). She does this every day, it's just the first time I've caught it on camera. No one here even knows her, she's just a paper-stealing kind of girl I guess.

And look who else is here! It's Jacques Engel ( lemon_lime35).

Jacques: Hi fat lady.
Buttercup: Hi new friend! :D

Everyone LOVES Sunbeam. Well, wouldn't you? LOOK AT THAT FACE


Dreamboat: I made money and I hate it. Capitalism sucks.

The sims are definitely not capitalists. Everyone that wants a job gets one, promotions are strictly regulated, there are no banks, money occasionally does both grow on trees and fall out of the sky...

Dreamboat gives a big thumbs-up to Buttercup. I'm just glad it's her playing instead of him for a change; if he's not lying on the bed doing absolutely nothing, he's playing the damn bass. Buttercup looks oddly feline in this shot.

Buttercup: I bet you thought I was going to sing, didn't you?

That's a pretty strange diary. It's already full of words that look typed. Is this a society which is low on trees and so they write cross-ways on the paper to save it? We are in the desert, I doubt cacti make good paper.

Yay, I caught a belly-rub! Buttercup, the madonna figure. You two are going to have some pale babies.

Here we are, tricking Dreamboat into earning a logic point.


Looks like baby time! Buttercup appears to be wearing a look of long-suffering. Like, she's ready to not be pregnant anymore, but she's really tired, and doesn't really want to go through labor right now, but knows she doesn't have a choice so she might as well get on with it. Although I MIGHT be reading a lot into a sim's facial expression.

Dreamboat: I'm so EXCITED!

OMG you are so cute. Um, that litterbox is NASTY. Just pointing that out.


Her mouth is a perfect hexagon right now. I'm sorry, was that insensitive to point out mid-birth?

Baby!!!! It's a boy, Mango Tango. I didn't realize at this point that the Crayola Legacy by leenyland was already doing the naming kids after crayons thing. Mango Tango is pinkish, with brown hair and Buttercup's yellow eyes, most of which will change come toddler makeover time.

Sunbeam: *peeks at baby*

Buttercup: Here, hold this.

Dreamboat: OK I like babies! I'm sure nothing unexpected is going to happen now that you're all done giving birth, right? Right?

That is NOT how you hold a baby, Dreamboat. Supporting the head is good and all but that's more of a choke-hold!

Of course there's another baby. But where's Mango Tango, you ask? On the floor, where his father lovingly placed him in order to more easily talk to the cat. Idiots. I am surrounded by them.

Say hello to Tiger's Eye, who looks a lot like his brother, just less pink.

Yes, Buttercup, welcome to the real madness. Newborn twins, and a husband who might as well be an infant for all the work you'll have to do to keep him alive. (She's got that long suffering face on again.)

Buttercup: ♪ All by MYSEEEEEELF!! ♪

I'll allow it. This time.

ISBI Stats:
  • Torch-Holders = 1
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 0
  • Shrink Visits = 0
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 0
  • Self-Wettings: 0
  • Pass-Outs: 0
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0
  • Reach top of a career = 0
  • $100,000 = 0

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