Visions From Veronaville

Sep 17, 2010 02:40

Today I played the Landgraab family in Veronaville.
When we last saw them: Marion brought home Prospero Capp on her first day of school, who didn't seem to care a bit about her looks, quietly enjoyed two snow days at home with her mother and sold several cups of lemonade despite the snow.

Virginia: "No more snow!"
Nope.  Just puddles of meltwater for you to play in.  Joy!

Makato: I've never seen such a little girl enjoy heavy metal.....

Makato: "Hey!  Rock on, little girl!"
Virginia: I hope he doesn't come over here.... *tries to look busy eating*

Yup, the long cold winter is most definitely behind them now....

Malcolm: "Well, what do you think?"
Unknown Dormie: "Not bad.  You say I really don't have to pay for this?"

Virginia grew up very well, but very exhausted.  It was straight to the new big girl bed for her!

Amy: "Now don't be mad, but there's something I haven't told you....."
.... okay..... what?
Amy: "I'm carrying twins...."
Goddamnit all to hell!  I was only gonna allow one more, damnit!
Amy: "Don't be mad!"
*sigh* I really didn't know she was expecting twins.  I make it a point never to check with ACR, so that I'll be surprised, etc.  But I really only wanted the Landgraabs to have just one more child, not two.  I was so pissed!

This is the girl (complete with leg impalement).  Meet Izza.  Amy's hair, Malcolm's eyes and a geneticized skintone.
Yeah, I named her Izza.  What of it?  It's a name, and I was just thinking the other day that there's not a single Izza in any of my hoods.  Besides, I like my name.....

And this is the boy.  Malcolm Landgraab V, of course.  Amy's hair and eyes and a geneticized skintone.
Amy: "He's so beautiful.  I want six more just like him!"
Hell no!  You're done.
Amy: "Nonsense.  You know my lifelong dream is to marry off six children.  If I don't have at least two more my whole life will have been wasted!"
Nope.  Done.

Malcolm: "Why don't you and Marion ever wear pink?  I thought little girls liked pink!"
Virginia: "Daddy, pink is so last season!"

Marion: "I can't see a thing, you know..."
Uh-huh.  And I can't see you.  Works out nicely....

Both girls are allowed to jump rope in the house whenever they like.  When you're an heiress, rules such as no sport in the house don't really apply, do they?

Marion: "Please buy some of my lemonade!  I'm saving for plastic surgery, you know."
Brittany: "Huh.  Already?  Kids grow up so fast these days..."

Amy: "Now what are you looking for, little boy?"
Prospero: "Can you make my hair shiny like yours?"
Amy: "You bet!"

Sycorax: "It must be great to have sisters and brothers!  Hey, when the twins get older, we should all start our own soccer team or something!"
Marion: *indignant* "I am not playing soccer with a bunch of babies.  Ugh!  You have some really weird ideas...."

Though Marion has never had any interest in the easel Malcolm bought her, Virginia loves it!

She got a makeover from her daddy, too.  I think she's easily the most attractive of the Landgraab girls.  Sure, that's not saying a whole lot, but still.  She's the prettiest.

And she's eager to help around the house.  That's a definite plus!

Amy: "I think I need to work on managing my anger..."
I agree.  You are the only sim ever to have lectured a baby for messing it's diaper since I put in antibabylecture a good six months ago.  It's not even meant to be possible.  You need to work on that.

Danielle: If I stand here long enough, surely somebody will invite me in....
Marion: *pointedly ignores*

Birthday time for the twins!
Virginia: *bes way too studious for birthday parties*

Malcolm V.  I think there's hope for him yet.  I imagine that like all sim toddlers he'll grow in to that weird cheek thing.  Of all the Landgraab children, he's probably the most attractive of all.  Or maybe I'm just more forgiving of boys?

Box Monster: "Eeeeek!  It's hideous!" *runs away*

Amy: "Say Mommy."
Malcolm V: Never.  Talk is cheap.  I'm a man of action!

Izza.  Poor thing.  Still, at least it'll be Marion's birthday next time, and maybe she can help take care of you....

What else happened?
Amy gained a cleaning point.
Malcolm IV gained a body point.
Marion gained 3 body points.
Virginia discovered her One True Hobby.  It's fitness.
Virginia gained 2 body points.
Marion sold 3 cups of lemonade.
Malcolm gained 2 mechanical points.
Virginia learned couples counselling.
Marion became friends with Sycorax Kosmokos.
Virginia gained a creativity point.
Amy learned anger management.
Virginia learned physiology.

malcolm landgraab v, virginia landgraab, izza landgraab, amy landgraab, malcolm landgraab iv, marion landgraab, visions from veronaville

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