The Phoenix Legacy 7.1

Dec 20, 2008 12:33

Previously in the Phoenix household Hugin found someone to share his life with - Michelle. Michelle turned out to be more evil than we had anticipated, and became an Atrociously Evil Witch. She gave birth to a son called Patrick who due to a slight error on my part did not share the Phoenix name. As we left them, she had just given birth to a Phoenix girl called Isadora.

Because I rarely never do this, here is a loading screen for your viewing pleasure.

And if that did not fancy your tickle, here is some old Landlady ass.
Fanservice - I has it. :D

Okay, where were we? Right, we have a creepy nanny, who Hugin finds just as creepy as I do, it seems.

Young Patrick has rather strange wants, but who am I to deny them?


Isadora grows up!

She is quite Isadorable. Ho ho ho, why am I so hilarious?

Apart from the Atrociously Evil witchcraft in the background this family is almost sickeningly functional.

Michelle: "Uh oh! My baby senses are tingling!"

Yep yep, more babies on the way. Hurrah. Also note how she stopped sparkling :(

Do not fear - she is still Atrociously Evil!

Who are you, and what have you done to my sims? o_O

This is a second pop, I believe.

Michelle is in the picture too, allright? She loves her family just as much as her cauldron. Indeed.

Isadora's birthday.

Everyone's excitement level is through the roof (courtesy of Apartment Life™)!

Everyone's except Isadora's, that is.

Wait, what is this? A third pop? o_O

No no, just labor. Carry on, witch.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Twins!

It is a boy and a girl, who I named Ned and Charlotte. Just like their siblings they have alien skin, eyes and black hair.

This was the point at which I realized that I really had not thought the whole moving into an apartment business through, as they were rapidly running out of space. They now live in a modified version of this house which I love to pieces and feel bad every time I have to defile it by adding rooms to it. But it is so freaking gorgeous! <3

The children settle right in...

...while their parents break the new bedroom in. Also note that the sparkles are back! :D

Meanwhile, the infants were unceremoniously left out in the yard.

Michelle: "Well, I'll be damned, maybe this this is related to me after all. Look at his sparkles."

Patrick Tse (I still have to fix that last name somehow!)
Family Aspiration
LTW: Reach Golden Anniversary

Sloppy 2
Shy 0
Active 7
Playful 8
Nice 8

He sets right into his Family simness by taking care of his siblings.

I mean, it is not like these guys give a damn anymore.

Meet the new butler!

Michelle pops again, and Patrick is quickly over to entertain the unborn child with toys. Really, Patrick, focus on the ones who are alive and stinking instead!

Never change Michelle! <333

The twins will think of their brother and butler as their daddy and their other daddy. ^^

Even in aspiration failure I love her. What?

Second pop.

Michelle: "I hope this one gets more of my good looks, or else we are doomed!"

Ned grows up into a toddler, wondering who the strange and sparkling lady is.

Charlotte is pretty! :D

With two toddlers Patrick is a busy man!

Do not let pictures like this fool you!

It only happened because Patrick was in school, as soon as he returns the tods flock to him like there are no other sims in the house.

Oh unborn baby, please look different than the other ones! Please, please, please!

Dang. Alien everything and black hair. Meet Lucas Phoenix.

Michelle: "Take this away from me, quickly."

The aliens all stick together, at least.

This looks... awkward.

The kids do not even have high enough relationships with their parents to sleep in the same bed with them. Should we be conserned?


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