The Phoenix Legacy 4.3

Aug 15, 2008 20:02

Previously in the Phoenix household Moira and Lyra went off to college and let Logan and Nathaniel become the roaring teenagers in the house. Oh, and Vega and Colin gave me a little surprise in the delightful form of baby Sebastian.

Welcome home, Colin. Tough day?

Logan and Sophie sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

As if Nathaniel would let himself be one-upped by his brother! It is time to invite boytoy Troy over.

They immediately beeline for the hot tub. Classy!

Is it getting steamy in here, or is it just me? Oh ho ho! :P~

Whoa. Take a picture, it will last longer. That is what I do!

Gah, I was too distracted by the pretty boys to pay much attention to the chance cards, so Remus just lost his job! D:

We are not getting subtler in the distraction department, that is for certain...

Wait, WHAT? I was under the impression that I needed another hack for teens, how did ACR do this on its own!? Ô_o

Good to know, Troy, good to know. Stick to one twin!

Oh, okay. You too, Sophie.

Nathaniel: "What do you mean you won't play doctor with me? *wibble*"

Remus is working on a novel to make some money after his recent unemployment.

Ohh, I see. I hope the inspiration did not come from your front lawn. Not that I would not read that...

Nathaniel: "For my next trick, I'll make you fall in love with me. TA-DAH!"

This is how his face got stuck for the duration of an entire day after the date. I guess I would be that smug if I just fooled the system, as well.

Thank you, Sophie, you can put it next to the other ones.

Seriously, this is how the porch looked the following morning. How do the secret admirerers expect the objects of their affections to get out of the house?

After I cleaned up after them it is time for a family-friendly outing!

Woo, we are going bowling! :D

He shoots...

...and he scores! Well what did you expect, Remus not being awesome at something? Ha.

Skye does not take after her son, I am afraid.

The varying degrees of awesome that is the Phoenix family.


I should not allow these two out in public!

Nor should I unleash Donna and her lack of social skills on the poor, unsuspecting townies.

Okay, it is time to go home!! O_o

Behave now, children.

Nathaniel got asked on a date as soon as he got home, and went in with pure intentions...

Entirely pure.
Unfortunately this is where my game decided to crash so we will never know where that could have led. :(

He went home and got the shit scared out of him by his great-grandmother instead. Lovely.

A simple little thing as yet another A+ can fix every little problem!

You fail, Sebastian. Shun the academic failure, shuuuuuun!

A happy birthday indeed.

That is more like it! You still rock Donna!

Donna: "Oh, I know, I'm pretty amazing."

Donna: "...Right??"

The latecomers celebrate as well.

Haha, that was basically the look I had in mind for him already, I did not even have to give him a make-over!

Still kind of cute ^^

Remus was actually a day younger than the others, so he celebrated his birthday after midnight. :P

Remus: "Oh God, my youth, my beauty! Waaaah!"

Remus: "Hey, wait a minute... I still have all my hair! Sweet!"
(He just was not Remus without that hair, which did not come in gray, so excuse his youthful appearance. He is an elder, I swear!)

Seems like Nathaniel's, um, 'peptalk' paid off and gave Sebastian his first A+. How touching.

All work and no play makes Phoenix a dull family. Which is why the homework is untouched in the background.

Time for the twins to leave for college! Ignore your mother who is passed out in the lawn, Logan.

A surprise guest comes to the party! Yay-- wait... NOOO!

Skye: "Hey, watch where you put those bones, young man!"

Goodbye, Skye! Have a nice afterlife!


Remus: "Oh, wait, did you say something about money?"

Look, look! I finally have a platinum tombstone! :D

Oh God, I never thought this day would come! Finallllllyyyyyyy!! :D

Sebastian Phoenix
Fortune Aspiration
LTW: Become Chief of Staff

Neat 7
Outgoing 7
Lazy 2
Playful 10
Nice 9

Sebastian: "Oh SimGod, why do you hate me sooooo?"

Ladeeda, look how time flies, they grow up so quickly, yada yada... TIME FOR COLLEGE! Wooooo!

Colin: "Um, I seem to have misplaced my son! One moment he was here, and the next... Gone. :o"

I am trying a new way of doing screenshots for this update, and I just noticed the red line that I accidentally managed to include in several of the pictures, sorry about that. ><

Oh, and does anyone know of a simple mpreg hack that does just that, or do I have to get the big, and quite frankly a bit scary Insiminator? XD I want to keep every option open for the future. ;)


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