What to do with open tabs

Oct 19, 2011 01:24

I'm pondering what to do with one of my open tabs

Now, I keep open tabs for as long as possible, saving the window when necessesity states that I must close it and restart the computer. Mostly because somethings I don't know if I wish to keep.

Some are stories, or articles, or random other things that I've stumbled upon but have not yet had a chance to go through.

Or, they're a jumping off point. Say with Delicious. When something is saved to delicious, you can see how many other people have saved it, too, and then their other bookmarks. So, if I'm in the mood for a certain type of story, I'll go to a similar one that I have saved (or know someone who has something like it saved) and jump. But, because of how small the pages are now, and how many links some people have, I open each new reccer in a new tab, one at a time, so that I can find my way back

The problem becomes that eventually I have Too Many Tabs and must weed them out. Some of them, being short stories, are quickly gone through and either kept or closed out, with little thought to it. Others, are much longer, or require me to be in a certain frame of mind to fully appreciate them, so they get kept for another day.

But then, there's this last one that is what I'm pondering now. I've read the story, you see, and while it was all right, normally it wouldn't be something that I would keep.

For four parts it's decent and amusing and I like it well enough, but not something that really sticks somewhere, you know. It's something that I might think of in passing, sometime down the road, but not with any real weight to it.

The last part, though, is something more. It's no longer a simple story, but rather a kind of metaphor for who we are as indivuals, and as a people, and how we change and grow by viewing ourselves through someone else. It's more than just a simple story, that last part, and it does speak to me.

But still. One out of five parts? Should I save it? Or toss it? Save it on the fifth part so as not to have to go through it all again? Or save it at the beginning, just in case? Do I just copy the pertenent parts to a doc and save it on my harddrive, or do I share the link to the world, implying that the whole thing is something that I enjoyed?

Decisions, decisions.
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