Apr 15, 2011 21:22
Once Upon a Time, I seem to remember there beings something like a Fandom primer, or maybe specifically a slash primer. It wasn't something that EVERYONE was linked to, I think, but it was written coherently and mentioned the evolution of the term slash, and of K/S and other things. Other than the mention of Star Trek, I don't think it was for a specific fandom, but rather was for Fandom in general.
Or, hey! Maybe there are other things out there that are like this, but not the thing that I remember. Or maybe someone has a link to one of those fandom studies that were going around for dissertations and articles and such.
See, I'm taking a Psych class right now, that deals with human sexual behavior. We were discussing the ways that internet changed the way people got information on sex and sexuality, and I happened to mention fanfic (which is where a big part of my sexuality was discovered and explored), and how normal taboos aren't quite the same in fanfic realm, and that there had been some minor studies floating around about it.
Now I get to introduce my (thankfully cool and young-ish) professor the joys of fandom and slash. Merp?
Any links to such primer-ish or academic studies would be amazingly helpful. And fingers crossed that MY coherence will be acceptable would be appreciated.