No Other Choice, Chapter 3/6

Aug 27, 2008 14:03

Title:  No Other Choice
Author:  SimplyShanni
Beta:  None. All mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Disclaimer:  This is a work of pure fiction. It has been written solely for fun, not for profit. No disrespect is meant to the actual individuals represented here and I make no claims about their sexual orientation in real life.
Pairing:  Orlibean
Genre:  ( Read more... )

author: simplyshanni, fic: no other choice

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simplyshanni December 10 2008, 10:22:10 UTC
Liriel!!! As you can see, you've been on my mind today, sweetie! You must be careful what you teach me because I'm all too eager to learn from the master of evol. Besides, every word Ireth and I wrote about you is absolutely true! You are a WONDERFUL corrupting influence (*big grin*) and quite well loved for that very fact! *huggles lovably evol Liriel*

Wow hon, your insightful comment means SO MUCH to me. Detailed feedback like this is more valuable than I can tell you, especially since I'm still relatively new to this writing game! Orli really did have to shore up his courage in order to face Sean but he finally did what he's been needing to do for several weeks now. He laid everything (or nearly so) on the line and finally got Sean talking!

I'm glad you think I handled the hug the right way! That boy has such a spontaneous and overwhelmingly affectionate nature that I could just picture him practically engulfing Sean the first chance he got after their month and a half long estrangement. *g*

They're each at such a delicate balancing point in their emotions right now, so I can't tell you how relieved I am that you thought their hesitance with one another rang true. They both have big issues that they're still trying to come to terms with and they're afraid of giving too much away. Bringing the reader inside their minds, so that their skittishness seemed natural and understandable, was exactly the effect I was going for. Thank you so much for letting me know I achieved my goal!

I'm so pleased that you appreciated my humble attempt at a cliffhanger! *cackles evolly* (see, I've been working on it) Praise from the master is praise indeed! *g* The last Chapter will be up and running next week, probably on Tuesday if the muses cooperate! I'm just working out the final scene right now, as a matter of fact, so wish me luck!

Once again, THANK YOU for this amazing comment and I'm sure we'll be chatting on LJ soon!

*extra-tight-snuzzlehugs-&-loving smooches*



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