Aug 31, 2005 20:56
i feel the need to make something very clear: if you don't know something is a fact, ask before saying it to other people. i'm fucking sick of my "friends" just assuming something and then instead of asking to see if their assumptions are true, they just start telling everybody it is true. i'm not in high school anymore...i don't even talk to these "friends" anymore...i thought all the rumors and bullshit was over, but apparently nobody grows up. so thank you to the dumb fucks that spread lies about me trying to ruin my life. i'm above this shit, i know who i am. i know (for the most part) who my real friends are. i'm sick of answering people's questions about a matter that doesn't even exist though. when will you learn, nothing you fuckers say or do will ruin me. it will piss me off and make me want to kill you, but it won't ruin me. stop won't work. the only thing you have accomplished in doing this is proving to everybody how stupid and immature you are. and the only thing that you have ruined is the chance of me ever being friends with any of you again.
i'm done.