drabble; ten genres meme third batch

Sep 30, 2011 23:03

Hello all~ Awhile ago I did the Ten Genres Meme on my journal and figured I'd post the ones I got finished. There were a few I didn't get to but idk when I will so I figure I should post the ones I have. I also changed a few of the genres around and added my own to make it easier for myself. XD But anyway, I had a lot of fun with these, tried out a few new pairings and things, so if you read, I hope you enjoy. :)

Give me a person or ship and I will write one sentence of ten genres for them. The genres are:
1. Angst
2. AU
3. Crack/Humor
4. Future fic
5. First Time
6. Fluff
7. Dark-fic/gen
8. Hurt/Comfort
9. Smut
10. UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension)

RyoUchi for fuyukoi.

1. Ryo never thought this day would come, but when Uchi leaves without even once looking back, he knows it's the only way.

2. Ryo barks out orders to Uchi yet again for messing up yet another scene, and Uchi stalks off setting bitching about him under his breath. Everyone thinks they hate each other, and Ryo is perfectly fine with that. It wouldn't do to let anyone realize that one of Japan's finest directors is secretly fucking the country's up and coming star.

3. When Uchi calls Ryo to complain in a squeaky voice that he's somehow magically turned into an eight-year-old girl, Ryo's unhelpful response is, "How's that different from any other day?"

4. It takes years, many years, and many struggles and contemplating blackmail attempts, but eventually, it happens. When Ryo, holding Uchi's hand, leads him back onto stage where the rest of Kanjani8 waits, it's like this is the moment he - they - have all been waiting for.

5. The first time Ryo agrees to let Uchi cut his hair is also the last.

6. "Pleeeeeease?" Uchi begs, holding up the tiny, fluff-ball of a puppy with big eyes, just like the ones Uchi's giving Ryo, and Ryo can only manage to resist for so long.

7. Ryo juggles glue, honey, and a bag of feathers in his arms while Uchi has the spray paint, shaving cream, and water balloons. And with identical, mischievous grins, they silently sneak into Subaru's room.

8. Uchi can cry like a girl a little too easily sometimes, but Ryo can tell when the tears are real and instead of bitching like normal, he'll just put an arm around his shoulders and tell him to suck it up, it'll be okay.

9. "Just do it, will you?" Ryo quips, like always, and when Uchi slides in, it's like fitting together that single missing puzzle piece.

10. Since they don't get to see each other as often anymore, Ryo's not used to the way Uchi looks with tousled wet hair and skin when he steps out of Ryo's shower one morning after staying over.

Shige/Massu for miss_jelly. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. Shige puts on the best fake-smile he has and pretends it doesn't hurt when Massu introduces him to his new girlfriend; it's his clear response to Shige's confession just the other day.

2. Shige stares at the rack of clothes waiting for him to put on for the photo shoot, and their bright colors and mismatched patterns almost give him a headache, making him consider whether he can properly model them. He wonders if the designer was on acid when he created them, but later, when he meets the cheerfully smiling man who insists he call him Massu, Shige finds himself grinning back and instantly wanting to give the designer a great photo shoot for his very unique clothes.

3. "I can't believe you're making me do this," Shige pants, except it comes out more as a;lsdkgnasdg, but Massu just smiles at him and says, "I believe in you Shige! We're almost at the top!" and points to the peak of Mt.Fuji and Shige once again wonders how he ever agreed to go on this trip.

4. Even after Shige's made it successfully as a lawyer and NEWS has spent years being broken up, he sometimes gets the urge to sing again, and in those times he can only count on Massu who will go to karaoke with him and never once laugh at the way Shige's definitely gotten worse at singing, just belts along with him until it feels almost like they're back on stage together.

5. "I think it's best if you just let me continue to make it," Massu says as gently as he can and pushes the plate of Shige's attempted gyoza away.

6. "No, put your foot there," Massu says kindly, redirecting Shige's position again for what feels like the 100th time. Shige struggles to get the step down properly, sweat forming across his brow and feeling pathetic as he stumbles yet again. But Massu just smiles encouragingly at him and says, "You're getting it!" and shows him again, and the next time Shige tries and he finally manages to land it, Massu's proud grin makes the difficult practicing completely worth it.

7. Massu's usual cheery grin is now entirely psychotic as he watches Shige struggle against the bed with his arms tied behind his back and a gag muffling his cries of release. He reaches out to slide his fingers down Shige's cheek and Shige flinches violently, and Massu's grin fades into a frown. "Now, now, Shige," he says calmly, climbing up over Shige's shaking body. "If you're good, I'll be good to you."

8. When Shige does exceptionally bad on an important test, he's upset about it for the whole day, not laughing or smiling like he usually is, and sitting in silence on the edge of the couch. Massu knows better than to bring it up or tell him he "did his best" - those things only make Shige angry instead of cheerful. So instead he makes Shige's favorites for dinner and sets them out in front of him with a kind, "Eat up and get your strength back so that next time you'll ace it, okay?" and Shige's tiny snort of laughter makes everything better.

9. "Shige," Massu whispers, his breath hot against Shige's collarbone as he thrusts in just a bit harder, holds him just a bit closer, and that's all Shige needs every time before he sees stars.

10. Massu isn't as glaringly sexy as perhaps Yamapi or Ryo, but whenever Shige watches him dance and move so easily to the beat, it's a little like he's hypnotized.

Maruda for ryogrande. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. Nakamaru finds it so much easier to just watch from afar, because Ueda's always had his eyes on someone else.

2. This new Nakamaru guy is a bit too timid and occasionally awkward, but that doesn't stop Ueda from spending the entire time he's giving a presentation from thinking he'd look much better bent over the end of the conference table.

3. The excruciating months of dealing with a pregnant Ueda is all worth it when Nakamaru first holds his tiny, pink-faced daughter and her curled little fist bumps him in his nose.

4. Nakamaru never offers and Ueda never asks, but somehow all of Ueda's things find their way into Nakamaru's apartment until it just makes sense for Ueda to cancel the lease on his old place.

5. It takes all of his courage to do it, and it just figures that he misses, lips landing just onto the corner of Ueda's. But Ueda just laughs, takes Nakamaru's face in his hands and kisses him properly.

6. It's Ueda's face he searches in the crowd, gripping his diploma tight in his hand, and it's Ueda's "Congratulations" and strong, warm arms around his waist that make this moment one of the best in Nakamaru's life.

7. Out of everyone, he'd be the last to do this and maybe that's what makes it all the more frightening because the Nakamaru that stares down at him with crazed eyes and presses the cool metal of the gun to Ueda's forehead is most definitely real and not a dream.

8. Most people think Ueda's grown stronger over the years but it's just because he only shows his weak side to Nakamaru, who knows exactly how to hold him, kiss his temple, and just be there with him for as long as he needs.

9. "Yuichi," Ueda hisses as Nakamaru finally gets a hand around him, kisses the back of his neck and thrusts even harder from behind, until Ueda is scraping at the tabletop with his nails and coming with a sharp, clear cry.

10. The thing about Nakamaru is that he doesn't have to try, he just goes up there and gives it his all and its like sexiness exudes from every pore in his body, leaving Ueda completely breathless from where he watches and wondering just how much more of this he can take.

Yamapi/Jin for swtjemz. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. Yamapi's always known Jin's dream is to have a family, but that doesn't make it hurt any less when he stares at the blissfully happy expression on Jin's face the day he gets married.

2. His friends tell Jin he'll get too fat if he continues stopping by the tiny bakery everyday just to see the beautiful man who always greets him warmly from behind the counter.

3. "PI, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!" Jin screeches into the phone in a voice that sounds oddly like Yamapi's and not Jin's, and Yamapi falls out of a bed that is definitely not his. It ends up taking Jin twenty minutes to convince him that they've suddenly switched bodies and that Yamapi needs to get on a plane back to Japan right the fuck now.

4. It takes months and months of planning and preparation, and it took even longer to get management to agree, but when Jin steps onto stage with Pi for their first joint tour, he knows every single second was more than worth it.

5. The first time Jin's nominated for a Grammy, Yamapi's there at the awards ceremony, sitting beside him and clutching his hand, and Jin doesn't even care if the cameras catch it and everyone sees; he doesn't think he could make it through the night without him.

6. One of Yamapi's favorite things is waking up to a peacefully sleeping Jin beside him, arms wrapped around his waist, especially when Jin hadn't been there when he'd gone to sleep.

7. Yamapi struggles with the binds around his wrist that keep him in place against the chair, staring up at Jin with wide, frightened eyes. Jin just smiles at him unnervingly and straddles his lap, letting his fingers trail down Yamapi's cheek while his other hand brandishes the silver blade of a knife. "Don't worry," he whispers into Yamapi's ear, "it'll only hurt a little."

8. He squeezes Jin's hand and presses a kiss to his hairline, and he says softly, "It's okay. You'll make it next time."

9. It's been too long since they've seen each other that they're tearing at clothes and tripping over shoes and being pushed into walls with their mouths meeting in heated kisses. And when Yamapi finally pushes in, it's like relief, feeling Jin all around him and pulling him as close as he can, and making Jin shudder as he breathes, "I fucking missed you," into his ear.

10. It's the worst because he never even notices he does it, the slight press of his tongue to the corner of his mouth or a quick lip of his lips that never fail to make Yamapi wonder what that tongue would feel like on his cock.

ShigePi for hyearts. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. Yamapi is a star that Shige thinks he'll never be able to catch. Instead, he'll watch as he shines and shines and shines, and hopes, maybe, one day, he can shine just as brightly so that Yamapi will notice him.

2. When Yamapi hires Shige, his next door neighbor, to tutor his ten-year-old son at math, he doesn't expect to suddenly want to become more than simply neighbors with the young high school teacher.

3. Shige definitely doesn't remember singing My Heart Will Go On with Yamapi (and quite passionately, at that) at karaoke the night before, but the video Ryo's showing them clearly proves him otherwise.

4. It's been many years but Yamapi is still like Shige's Leader, even when Shige's a renown lawyer and actually has to make room in his busy schedule for Yamapi, even when their relationship has gradually changed from being sempai/kouhai to something much, much more.

5. When Shige doesn't manage to pass the bar on his first time, it's Yamapi who takes him out for drinks and says, "You'll get it the next time, I know you will," and clinks his glass to Shige's and drinks, and Shige just laughs and lets himself believe.

6. Shige, by nature, isn't a very clingy or needy person. So the moments when he holds onto Yamapi or crawls into his lap or calls him up just to hear his voice are Yamapi's favorite.

7. "Listen to what I say and you won't get hurt," Yamashita says in a deep, chilling voice that has Shige trembling as he's pushed to his knees, Yamashita's fingers tight in his hair, tugging at his scalp.

8. Shige has never seen Yamapi cry except for in dramas, but that doesn't come close to the look of anguish on his face right now as he holds him in his arms and hopes he'll never have to see him like this again.

9. "It's okay, you can do it," Yamapi says coaxingly, threading his fingers through Shige's hair and brushing them down along his cheek. Shige holds his hips in his hands, presses in, and the look of absolute bliss on his face makes Yamapi's heart soar.

10. Yamapi doesn't usually have time to keep up with any of the NEWS' member's dramas, but after he accidentally catches Shige's part in an episode of Hanawake, he makes certain to watch it regularly.

RyoPi for pashoshi.

1. He wants to just go for it, but the longer he hesitates, the more he watches Yamapi and thinks about their friendship, Ryo knows he could never do anything to even try to damage it; he’d much rather just keep his feelings to himself and shelter the pain alone than to ruin what he already has, because this, their friendship, is better than absolutely nothing.

2. “Rough day?” Ryo questions, sliding Yamapi’s usual over the counter the second Yamapi slumps with a heavy sigh into his normal stool at the end of the bar. Yamapi downs the drink and Ryo refills it with a bright grin and Yamapi thinks Ryo never needs to know that it’s never really the drink that makes him feel better.

3. “Why, why, did you think it was a good idea to suggest we all dress up as girls for this PV?” Ryo complains, glaring at an oblivious Yamapi who is discussing with Tegoshi about whether or not the sparkly outfit he’s in shows off too much cleavage.

4. Yamapi's always wanted a house in Hawaii, and it takes years, but when he gets one, he gets it together with Ryo. It's right on the beach, in a place away from the main tourist attractions, quiet and secluded and just theirs, a secret hideaway for just the two of them, whenever they want. It's not exactly the dream he had when he was younger, the one with his wife and family, but when he looks at Ryo, Yamapi knows he's found something much better.

5. There is that line there, the one between friendship and something more, that was too difficult to cross, that they both danced around, stepping a toe across it and always quickly pulling it back. But when Yamapi ends up saying it for the first time, those three words, it’s like a breath of fresh air, and when Ryo doesn’t hesitate to say it back, it’s like he’s flying.

6. Ryo has found that the best remedy after a long, tiring day, is simply coming home to find Yamapi’s shoes in the genkan, bag thrown onto the couch, and Yamapi himself curled up on his bed, hugging Ryo’s pillow to his chest because they haven’t seen each other in days.

7. “It’s nice to see you have your face back,” Ryo comments, eyeing Yamapi’s recently filled out form as Yamapi slides into the booth across from him. “But,” he continues, “you should really do something about your hair.”

8. It’s the toughest decision he’s ever had to make and it eats at him until he can’t keep it in anymore, and when that happens, Ryo’s there, holding him close and petting his hair and bitching in that way Ryo always does that it doesn’t fucking matter what anyone says, it’s his life and he should do what he wants, even if that’s leaving NEWS, and although Yamapi can’t as easily think the way Ryo does, his words and his presence is enough to make it all better.

9. Yamapi loves watching Ryo’s face as he comes undone, the usual biting remarks or glare giving way to this pure, open look, his mouth all slack and eyes full of raw emotion, and it’s so perfect, so hot, so much of exactly what Yamapi needs to get there himself, that all he has to do is look at him, press in harder, and breathe, “Come,” for Ryo to do so, shouting out in this sharp voice that makes Yamapi follow him instantly.

10. Sometimes going to the clubs with Yamapi isn’t a good idea because on the dance floor he’s uninhibited in ways he’s not at work and Ryo can only blame the way he stares at Yamapi dancing on alcohol for so long.

RyoShige for elizajet. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. When Ryo watches Shige laughing brightly and freely with Koyama, sees the way they lean so close together, how Shige’s eyes light up when Koyama presses just a tiny kiss to his lips, he realizes, finally, that he’s waited too long.

2. “Wait, wait, so let me get this straight,” Kato says, pushing his nerdy glasses up his nose, and eyeing Ryo critically, “you want me to hack into your boss’ computer to find blackmail because he’s blackmailing you?”

Ryo clicks his tongue impatiently. “That’s what I just said, didn’t I?” he snipes. “Can you do it or not?”

“Of course I can do it,” Kato says haughtily. “It’s just always good to be sure.”

“Well, get on with it,” Ryo snaps. “I have a meeting in to get to in twenty minutes and I need this information before then. And preferably before Akanishi gets back.”

Kato just turns to face Akanishi’s computer and gets to work, fingers tapping rapidly across the keyboard and Ryo grins, looking at him maybe a little fondly, and thinking, not for the first time, that even if Kato’s an antisocial computer nerd, it pays to have him as a roommate.

3. “The fans want what the fans want,” Shige says with as straight of a face as he can manage (which isn’t that straight at all, seeing as how he has to constantly look away to giggle and gather himself), and hands a glaring, scowling, I’m-going-to-murder-you-in-your-sleep Ryo the giant, plush and fluffy Gachapin costume.

4. Ryo likes to complain about being too fucking old for everything anymore, using it as his excuse to get out of doing the dishes or vacuuming the floor (which Shige lets him get away with because it’s simply easier than arguing), but whenever Shige tries to use the same excuse to get Ryo to stop trying to sneak a hand down his pants when he’s too tired for it, Ryo complains that they’re totally still young enough to have regular sex.

5. The first time they end up in bed together, Ryo’s too drunk to drunk to get it up and Shige’s giggling too hard to care anyway, and they end up passed out after some slightly uncoordinated, desperate making-out. When Ryo wakes in the morning, feeling rather mortified by everything and wondering how to take it back, it’s only when his eyes fall onto Shige’s peacefully sleeping face, and arm wrapped around his own waist, that he decides maybe last night wasn’t an entire mistake after all.

6. Ryo usually spends his birthday out at the clubs drinking but the first birthday he spends together with Shige, he refuses Pi and Jin’s invitations and he stays at home where Shige makes dinner for them both and lets Ryo drop his head in his lap as they watch a movie, his fingers threading through Ryo’s hair. Ryo’ll never admit it out loud be he much prefers this than anything else, especially when Shige pushes him down onto the bed and whispers “Happy Birthday,” before following with his lips.

7. “Finally,” Shige says in this chilling voice that makes Ryo’s skin scrawl from where he’s curled in the furthest corner as much as he can with his wrists bound. Shige smirks at him and it’s not one of those cocky smirks for the fans that usually make Ryo laugh, this one is frighteningly evil, and in the darkness it makes him look like a predator.

Ryo tries to move away when Shige crosses the room and drops to his knees before him and he flinches violently when Shige reaches out to lift his chin up. He’s about to kick out at him, rush away, but the glint of metal in Shige’s free hand stops him, and he looks back at him with wide, incredulous eyes.

“Finally,” Shige repeats, tearing the duct tape from Ryo’s mouth. “You’re mine,” he adds and swallows Ryo’s shout with his mouth.

8. There’s a side Shige keeps hidden behind fake smiles and infectuous laughter, a side that is a little sad and insecure, a little lost and frightened, and whenever it becomes too much to hide, he can’t help but let it out. And in those moments, it’s Ryo who, at one time used to be the perpretator of many of those things causing Shige’s sadness, now is his savior, and holds him close and listens to his worries and tells him he’s better than he thinks he is because there’s no way Ryo would waste his time with him otherwise.

9. “Ryo,” Shige whispers into Ryo’s ear, and Ryo shudders from his hot breath, from the tone of his voice, from the fact that he still can’t see with this goddamn blindfold covering his eyes, so he just feels Shige’s hand leave his hip and he jumps when it wraps around his aching cock, and when Shige adds, “Come for me,” Ryo does, and it’s possibly the hardest he ever has.

10. The thing about Shige is that he doesn’t exude sexuality like Yamapi, but really, that’s what makes it even more obvious when he does, and Ryo has to force himself to tear his eyes away from the smirks and the wanton looks Shige throws at the cameras when he thinks no one’s watching.

Ryoda for sashjun. (Warning - #7 is dark)

1. “I’m sorry,” Ryo says, again, desperate and hoping, but Ueda just continues to pack his bags and there’s nothing else Ryo can do but watch him leave.

2. “You know, most phone-sex operators don’t have regulars,” Ryo says in a low voice to the man named Ueda who calls every Friday night, ignoring Ueda’s protesting noise, “but I am flattered you keep asking for me.”

3. “You laugh one more time, and I swear you’ll be next,” Ueda hisses angrily, wielding the electronic shaver in his hand and glaring at Ryo who very promptly (and wisely) shuts up.

4. Ryo likes nothing more than coming home from work to the soft tones of Ueda playing the piano in their makeshift studio, to sneak up behind him and wrap his arms around his waist and say, “Tadaima.”

5. The first time Ryo tries to kiss Ueda, he gets punched in the face and sports a black eye for days. He also doesn’t try again for weeks until Ueda storms up and kisses him and Ryo thinks that this works out just as well, too.

6. “Will you stop that?” Ueda says flatly for the hundredth time, swatting Ryo’s hand away from rubbing over his newly shaved head. “It’s gonna feel the same no matter how many times you touch it.” Ryo shrugs and does it again, looking amused, and Ueda sighs exasperatedly while trying to hide his smile, because despite Ryo being a pain in the ass, he sometimes manages to be kind of cute.

7. Ryo thinks he should’ve expected this to happen because there’s only so much a person can take before he snaps, and the dark, crazed look in Ueda’s eyes right now holds no mercy for him, and the sharp edge of the knife that presses against Ryo’s skin is just the beginning.

8. Ueda knows Ryo’s not really good at these things, but it doesn’t matter what he says, just what he does, and letting Ueda silently cling to him, simply being there for him without fail, is always more than enough.

9. He presses in roughly, winces at the way Ryo drags his nails down his back, and when Ueda hits him just right, Ryo’s voice is sharp and clear as he cries out. And, smirking as he does it again, Ueda watches Ryo writhe beneath him and thinks, not for the first time, that one of the things he loves about being with Ryo is seeing just how loud he can make him scream.

10. Ueda’s voice when he sings is soft and beautiful and whenever Ryo hears it he can’t help but wonder how he’d sound in bed.

for: ten genres meme, p: ryo/shige, p: ryo/yamapi, p: yamapi/jin, genre: dark, r: nc-17, p: shige/massu, p: ryo/uchi, r: pg, p: ryo/ueda, p: ueda/nakamaru, p: yamapi/shige

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