fic; sex on fire

Jul 14, 2011 18:42

Title: Sex on Fire
Pairing: RyoPin, though it’s more like Jin + RyoPi
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Ryo is an evil mastermind (except not really), Pi just goes along with things, and Jin plans to murder his friends.
Author’s Note: 3905 words. Like I wouldn’t write about this. >_> Jin made this lovely tweet last week and of course it gave me ideas. XD This was just something random for fun. I hope you enjoy. :) The title is from the song of the same name by Kings of Leon.

“So, my birthday is coming up,” Jin says nonchalantly over video Skype, smirking at Ryo and Pi.

“Like you haven’t been telling us everyday for the past week,” Ryo responds, rolling his eyes. “You should just tell us what you want so we can get you to shut up.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jin says, pouting. “Surprise me!”

“We’ve known each other too long,” Pi says. “We can hardly be surprised anymore.”

“Don’t be lame. I’m sure you can think of something,” Jin prods eagerly.

Pi looks contemplative while a giant grin snakes its way onto Ryo’s face. “I might have an idea,” he says enigmatically and Jin sits up straighter.

“What is it?” he demands.

“Telling you ruins the whole element of surprise, idiot,” Ryo says, sounding pained like he can’t believe he has to explain these things. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

“But I want to know now,” Jin whines. His birthday is still three days away and he totally does not have that kind of patience. Especially not when Ryo has that devious gleam in his eyes that promises something good. Or evil. Sometimes it’s hard to tell with Ryo.

Jin eyes him warily and asks, “It’s not going to be like that one time you guys sent Tegoshi to my apartment dressed as a hooker, is it?”

Pi laughs loudly at being reminded of that, and Ryo smirks. “No,” he says. “This will be better.”

Jin is not yet fully convinced. “In a good way or bad way?”

“Three more days and you’ll see~” Ryo singsongs before he adds, “Well, got to run, have to make arrangements for your birthday gift.”

“Wait--” Jin starts but Ryo just cackles before the screen turns black and they’re gone.


“You know what he’s planning, don’t you?” Jin accuses Pi when Pi calls to wish him happy birthday even though it’s still the third in London. “Tell me.”

Pi laughs. “No way,” he replies. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

“You could just give me my present now,” Jin says. “It’s already my birthday in Japan.”

“Nah,” Pi says easily and Jin can tell he’s finding enjoyment out of Jin’s impatience. “You can wait awhile longer.”

“I have to wait a whole day,” Jin whines.

“You can do it,” Pi says in a voice that is totally not encouraging in the least. “I believe in you.” He snickers.

Jin needs to find better friends. “You can’t tell me anything?” he prompts. “Will I like it?”

Pi hums in his ear, clearly dragging his out to further annoy Jin. Eventually he says, “Well, if you don’t, it’s not really a loss to us.”

Jin blinks. “What does that mean?” he demands but Pi just laughs and hangs up.

Jin really needs new friends.


Jin awakes on July fourth with hundreds of messages, emails, and tweets wishing him a happy birthday. He goes through all of them, every tweet from his fans making him grin wider and wider until he’s sure his jaw might break, but even then he can’t stop because he never really expected this. It’s his first time experiencing his birthday in London, and he figured it’d probably be a little lonely, considering he’s just here with the rest of the movie cast and crew.

But now, with an abundance of birthday wishes before its even noon, Jin finds the day is looking much brighter. He has emails and texts from his brother and most of his friends, even some of KAT-TUN, which he makes sure to reply to straight away because they’ll end up bitching at him next time for being ungrateful, but what ends up catching is eye is the email from Pi that has the little attachment icon next to it.

“Finally,” he mutters to himself, sitting up a little straighter and setting his laptop back onto the small hotel desk in front of him. Wondering what ridiculous thing his friends have made for him, he loads the video and clicks play.

A low, deep moan reaches his ears and Jin’s eyes widen. He knows who that is even though the screen is black and grainy. He’s heard that sound before, that one time Pi fell asleep in his bed and kept Jin up because of his squirming and moaning. And like that time, he can’t move now, frozen to his spot in the comfy leather chair with his eyes glued to the dark screen.

Suddenly the screen moves and Jin realizes it must be some handheld video camera, shaking a little as it focuses and a lightswitch is flicked on. A familiar bedroom greets him for a second before the camera moves again and drops down and arousal instantly grabs hold of the pit of Jin’s belly because whatever he was expecting this video to be (which wasn’t much, really), it was definitely not this.

And this consists of Ryo on his knees with what Jin can only guess is Pi’s cock in his mouth. His eyes stare up from under his bangs right at the camera that Pi must be holding up and Jin can only spare a second of being impressed by Pi’s ability to get head and manage a camera at the same time before he’s muttering “Fuck.” He shifts in his seat as Ryo slowly retreats and runs his tongue across the head of Pi’s erection.

He’s doing it on purpose and Jin knows it; swirling his tongue and pressing the tip into the slit before delving back down with just this tiny smirk in the corner of his mouth. Pi is groaning loudly though it seems even louder in the still silence of the video and of Jin’s hotel room. He can no longer make out the sounds of the traffic outside his window that had woken him up; all of his relevant senses honing in on his two best friends getting it on without him.

Yes, he thinks furiously, he really needs to find better friends.

Especially when Pi moans out Ryo’s name and combs his fingers through Ryo’s hair, swiping his bangs from his eyes so that Jin can perfectly see the clear, blackness swimming in them. It’s infuriatingly arousing and it only starts to get worse when it seems as though Pi’s getting excruciatingly close. The camera starts a rather continuous tremble, but it’s not enough to distract from the way Ryo continues to suck Pi off like he’s expert at it. Well, from the way Pi is responding, perhaps he is. It wouldn’t really surprise Jin.

What does surprise him is Pi pushing Ryo away suddenly, muttering, “W-Wait,” under his breath. He’s gasping roughly while Ryo merely flicks his tongue against the head of Pi’s cock teasingly before pulling back. He licks his lips and it’s absolutely obscene and with the glint in his eyes, Jin is starting to reach his limit.

He’s trying not to give in because there must be some rule, some proper etiquette about not getting off on watching your best friends fuck. Even if they’re not fucking yet, Jin’s pretty certain that’s where it’s going to go, and it doesn’t help when Ryo grins at the camera, takes it from Pi and turns it around.

Jin’s heart jumps in his chest at the sight of Pi, leaning back against the wall with his face flushed, his mouth slight open as he takes in shallow breaths. His eyes lock onto the camera and then he gives this tiny smirk into it and Jin knows it’s for him.

“Fucker,” Jin grumbles, twisting in his chair and ignoring the hardness growing in his sweatpants. He is totally not going to give in. He’s better than that. Better than his stupid friends who thought it was a good idea to send him a fucking sextape for his birthday. He thinks he should’ve expected something like this. It is better than the year Tegoshi showed up dressed as a hooker, but it’s also much, much worse.

They don’t say anything, and other than the pointed glances or grins at the camera they don’t make it obvious that they know Jin is the one watching. They are completely wrapped up in each other when Ryo takes the camera from Pi and angles it to show Jin they way their mouths come together in a deep, languid kiss, and it’s possibly the most erotic thing Jin has ever seen.

Ryo pulls back first and Jin squashes down the instant disappointment; he thinks he could’ve watched them make out forever. But they have other ideas, and Ryo turns the camera toward his own bed that Pi is now walking toward, pulling his shirt over his head as he goes. His jeans are still undone, and Jin can just see his erection thick against his stomach. He lies down on the bed with ease and nonchalance and grins at Ryo, at the camera.

The camera shakes a bit and Jin realizes Ryo’s setting it up on a tripod or something so it faces the bed perfectly from the side. Then Ryo is in the frame, slinking up onto the bed and straddling Pi and when they kiss again Jin’s breath catches in his throat.

Pi’s hands slip under Ryo’s shirt, dragging it up his back and they pull away just long enough to get it off his body. Pi tosses it to the floor and his hands grab at Ryo’s waist when Ryo moves his hips in a deliciously slow circle, eliciting a deep moan from Pi’s lips as his head presses back against the pillow.

“Do that again,” Pi breathes, almost too quiet to be heard by the camera but Jin’s straining his ears for every sound of the bed creaking, the brush of clothing, the intake of breath. He hears it loud and clear and so does Ryo because he does do it again, rolling his hips in a way that Jin thinks should be completely illegal.

“Okay, nevermind, stop,” Pi gasps, pressing his fingers tight against the narrow curve of Ryo’s hips. “If you keep doing that, there won’t be much left to go on.”

Ryo laughs and it’s instantly comforting, making Jin relax a bit in his chair, his fingers that had been unconsciously gripping the arms falling open with his deep breath. “Are you saying you can’t get it up more than once, Pi?” he teases and rocks his hips again anyway, and Jin thinks it’s appropriate that Ryo’s a fucking jerk in bed, too.

Pi, however, just grips Ryo’s hair and tugs him down, lips brushing as he murmurs, “Shut up,” and then kisses him so fiercely it’s almost like Jin can feel it. But he can feel something, his arousal starting to become almost unbearable, and shifting even slightly reminds him that it’s there, that without even trying he’s getting fucking turned on by his stupid best friends.

He’s sure that’s the whole point and they’re probably laughing about it somewhere right this very second, and no matter how much Jin doesn’t want to give in to their diabolical tactics, there’s really only so much a guy can take.

Jin knows his friends are hot but he’s never quite appreciated it before. But now he can barely take his eyes off them. He’s afraid to blink and miss something. And when Pi suddenly slips a hand between them to rub against the hardness in Ryo’s pants and Ryo lets out this throaty moan, his first since the video started, Jin gives in. He spits curses that the screen, watching as Ryo rocks against Pi’s hand, and hastily tugs his sweatpants loose. He wraps a hand around himself just as Pi pushes Ryo’s jeans down and touches him, and Ryo’s next groan joins Jin’s, loud throughout his hotel room.

“Shit, stop, Pi--” Ryo hisses, swatting at Pi’s hand until Pi laughs and withdraws. Ryo slides off of him and quickly kicks down his jeans and boxers and Jin stares at the screen with bated breath. It figures Ryo’s impatient in bed, amused by how he practically rips Pi’s jeans off his body. Pi chuckles, calming Ryo down with a hand to his shoulder and a kiss to his lips. It works, Ryo almost visibly relaxing and kissing back with ease until Pi pulls away.

He pulls off his boxers and they just barely make it to the floor before Ryo’s pushing him onto his back against the mattress and climbing over him again. Their lips meet again, lewd and slow and Jin groans as his hips push up instinctively into his hand. As heat flows through his veins, he really hopes his friends will get a move on it soon because he’s starting to think he won’t last.

There must be something about that, too, being so turned on by his best friends lying naked and making out, but Jin can’t be assed to figure it out. Not when Pi lets out a tiny groan that goes straight to Jin’s cock and then smacks a hand out toward the nightstand. He only makes a mess of things because Ryo seems to be doing his utmost best at distracting him with his tongue on Pi’s collarbone and his fingers on his cock, and Pi has to actually shove Ryo off of him to focus properly again.

Ryo smirks from where he spreads out on his back against the bed, his hand trailing down along his chest in a tantalizingly slow manner and Jin has to tighten his fingers around the base of his cock to keep from coming from that alone. It seems like Pi has the same reaction, stopping to stare after he’s yanked open the drawer and found the small tube he’d been looking for. Except the difference between Pi and Jin right now is that Pi’s not watching a stupid video of Ryo being infuriatingly hot and aching to touch him - he can, and he does. Simply reaches out and grabs Ryo’s hand before Ryo can touch himself, and then he’s moving between Ryo’s legs and pulling Ryo’s arms up above his head, pinning them down to the pillow with one hand.

And that’s fucking hot, even if Ryo doesn’t seem to think so himself, struggling against Pi’s restraint. He mutters, “I didn’t know you were so kinky, Pi,” as darkly as he can but Jin only hears how aroused he is.

Clearly Pi does too because he smirks in the corner of his mouth - shit, that really shouldn’t be so sexy - and replies, “You love it, Ryo-chan,” and then he’s pressing a slicked finger between Ryo’s legs.

“Fuck,” Jin hisses as Ryo keens into the touch, instantly begging for more.

It has Pi laughing slightly, but when he speaks his voice sounds slightly awed, “Eager, are we?”

Ryo glares. “Like you aren’t,” he retorts and then adds viciously, “More.”

Pi gives it to him without another word, working a second finger alongside the first and Ryo moves against it. Jin bites his lower lip as he watches, unable to glance away as he continues to stroke himself, loosening his grip to keep from enjoying too much pleasure. He wants to be able to last.

Thankfully his friends seem to be reaching their limit too, staring at the screen as Pi mouths at Ryo’s shoulder, pressing another finger inside and twisting his wrist just right because the sound Ryo makes then is so raw and so good that Jin’s teeth pierce his lip and the tangy taste of blood hits his tongue.

“Ready?” Pi is asking Ryo who looks up at him furiously and hisses, “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll fucking do it myself.”

Pi grins, amused. “I’d like to see you try,” he replies, taunting, and Ryo’s eyes narrow.

In the next second Ryo’s pulled his arms out from under Pi’s grip and pushed Pi onto his back. Pi watches with the same wide-eyed amazement that’s in Jin’s eyes as Ryo straddles his hips with an expression that’s somewhere between a scowl and aroused. Pi hisses from Ryo’s fingers on him as he fits on a condom and then he lets out this one long moan, gripping Ryo’s hip tight in his hand as Ryo sinks down onto his cock.

“Oh, fuck,” Jin breathes just as Pi says the same thing. He rocks up into his hand and squeezes his erection in his fingers, tries to keep in control.

He focuses on the video but right now he doesn’t know who to look at; the bliss in Pi’s face, his eyes fluttering close as his thumb rubs along the curve of Ryo’s waist, or at Ryo, lean body taut as he sucks his bottom lip in his mouth and balances himself with a hand to Pi’s shoulder.

They move at once, just seconds later though to Jin it feels like an entire hour. Ryo rolls his hips and Pi pushes up and their voices blend together and send wave after wave of pleasure down Jin’s spine.

He can’t see them as well as he’d liked, wishes he could be there, reaching out and touching them, kissing them, his two stupid best friends, but he’s stuck here in his hotel room in London watching them fuck like they’ve done it before.

He wonders if they have, thinks it would definitely explain the lack of awkwardness between them, but before he can contemplate it further, his attention is stolen by Pi grabbing Ryo’s hair tight in his other hand. He yanks Ryo down until their mouths meet in a mesh of tongues and lips. It’s hypnotizing and Jin wishes again he could’ve been there to really see it, wishes even that they thought to have someone film it for them instead of setting the camera up like this. It would’ve been so much better, seeing their expressions up close, every flicker of emotion in their eyes, every quirk of their lips, and every shared gaze.

And that’s communication on a completely different level right there, and irritation sweeps through Jin’s veins. He shakes it off as soon as it comes because fuck, right now is totally not the time to feel jealous. He can do that later, after he’s finished this dumb video and flown back to Japan and killed his friends. Brutally. With an axe.

Jin thinks he’s going insane, and he blames the two of them and their evil gift and the fact that he so desperately needs to come but he can’t - won’t, not until they do, not until this video ends because he still has his fucking pride and he won’t give in before them.

He moves a little in his seat, hissing from the way it only makes his situation worse, and focuses back on the screen as both Ryo and Pi seem to be getting close to their limits. They move together faster with a fluidity that’s intoxicating and Jin feels drunk off it, like he’s had too much but not enough and he keeps watching, touching himself as slowly as he can while Ryo rocks faster and these tiny, wanton sounds fall from Pi’s lips.

When Ryo reaches down to wrap a hand around himself, Pi stops him and Jin groans in a combination of frustration and anger just like Ryo, who looks about ready to kill.

“Not yet,” Pi grits out like it’s painful. “You’ll come when I say.”

Jin moans, something in Pi’s voice and the way he’s staring up at Ryo, something about wanting to hear that himself, whispered into his own ear, Pi’s fingers on his cock - and his hips move up into his hand subconsciously. He dispels that thought quickly, feeling release skittering toward that edge, and he looks at Ryo instead. Ryo, who claws at Pi’s shoulder in retaliation, looking like he’s torn between punching Pi in the face or grabbing his hair and kissing him. He does neither though, just digs his fingers into Pi’s skin and moves against Pi like he doesn’t know how to do anything else.

And that’s too much, he really can’t take anymore, thinks he might just combust from this, watching his friends fuck and getting off on all of it. How could he not? When Pi’s stroking Ryo slowly, teasingly, keeping him on the edge as he plants his feet on the bed and tilts his hips up harder, faster, that’s definitely too much and they probably know it, laughed about it together when they concocted this devious plan, when they thought sending Jin a video of them fucking would be such a good gift.

But it is, it fucking is, it’s good, so good, he can’t hold back. He strokes himself faster, matches Pi’s pace on Ryo, eyes flicking back and forth between his friends’ faces, not sure who or what to look at as they get ultimately closer. Ryo’s crying out Pi’s name at every thrust like a mantra and Jin’s certain he’ll never get that sound out of his head, sure he might not be able to look at either of them for days, weeks, years, because then Pi grabs Ryo’s hand, entwines their fingers and pulls him down to kiss him.

“Come,” he breathes, loud as a bullet, and that’s it, that’s all it takes.

It’s like he’s talking to them both; as Ryo shakes and comes hard over Pi’s hand, Jin cries out into his empty hotel room, cries out so loud he thinks he might have woken up the whole floor, and his orgasm tears through him so forcefully its like he’s been hit by a car.

He’s gasping, trembling in the chair and feeling undiluted pleasure in every inch of his body, sizzling under his fingertips and burning against his skin. He’s barely able to focus on the screen anymore, but he sees Pi pushing up into Ryo once, twice, three times before he comes as well, tightening the hand on Ryo’s waist that Jin’s certain Ryo will be sporting a bruise there soon.

They collapse onto the bed with sated sighs and laughter from Pi, as if he’s only just realized what they’ve done, and it makes Jin chuckle too, amused despite himself. They clean up quietly and then Ryo grabs the camera from its stand, brings it over to Pi’s sleepy-looking face, and then his own. Ryo smirks, the camera wobbling as he kisses Pi lazily and Jin watches with renewed awe. He could really get used to watching them kiss.

Pi takes the camera from Ryo, angling it so it shows them both. It doesn’t, kind of cuts of half of each of their faces, but it’s not important when Pi grins and says, “Happy birthday, Jin,” and Ryo adds, “You should come home soon,” before the screen turns black.


(Later, after Jin’s had a chance to calm down, he replies to Pi’s email with a simple:

I fucking hate you guys.

By the way, I’ll be back in Japan in two weeks. You both better be free. I need to hear for myself whether Ryo really does moan like girl.)


note: a;lskdg i hope you liked it! thank you for reading~ ♥ :3

p: ryo/yamapi/jin, type: fanfiction, p: ryo/yamapi, r: nc-17

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