
Jan 08, 2009 20:32


So I know this entry seems a bit, random? But if you're on my FList, please do read on.

I've been contemplating a friends cut. ;__; I know that with the New Year, there's been cuts left and right and it's really exasperating, but I've had this nagging in me for some months now. I try my best to comment on all of your entries, I really do, and I apologize if I still suck at that. Sometimes, though, I also feel, with some of you, that I don't really... get a response? I try my best to comment on your entries, but I don't get the same effort back. I know that real-life's a pain in the butt and all, but some people in my FList I just... don't feel a connection with at all. ;__; And some of you post regularly, so it makes me wonder.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm whining. I don't post just to get comments, but sometimes it's nice to get one once in a while, to know that they still read, you know?

I know that partly, it's my doing. Some of you I don't share much fandoms with anymore, and it's sad, but drifting apart is a fact of life.

So yes. I apologize for rambling. The main reason for this post is, actually, to let all of you know, if you're reading this, and you don't want me in your FList anymore, you are free to cut me. Whether you find yourself skipping my entries, feel like we've drifted apart, that we don't have much to talk about anymore, or that I don't comment enough on your journal, whatever. You can remove me from your FList. I won't mind, and I'd remove you back as well (we all like our userinfos neat, I'm sure). The only thing I ask is that you comment on this entry if you have. Removed me, I mean.

I won't be offended at all, trust me. I'd completely understand. I love reading all of your entries, and I appreciate everyone's presence in my FList, but I do understand if you're frustrated if I don't seem to comment at all, or if you find yourself uninterested in reading my entries or if you just feel very distant from me. All the more if you see my username in your FList and realize that you don't even know my name. If I come off as a complete and utter stranger.

We all want our FList to be a group of people that we feel close to, that we feel comfortable sharing our thoughts and feelings with. Lately I actually feel guilty about posting what I feel like saying, and it shouldn't be that way, right? It's my journal, but I feel... hesitant. Because I fear that people might find it annoying.

I really should stop talking, shouldn't I? Heh. That's that, really. Thank you for reading. :)


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