The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: Pro-Choice, only because I don't think the government has a place there. Personally, I believe abortion in 99% of cases is murder.
Affirmative Action: I'm still torn here. I understand why they do it, and their intention is right, but I think it's just stalling the evolution of racial equality.
Age of Consent: *shrug* it's fine
Animal Testing: Don't test on animals! Test on volunteers or something. Poor animals...
Death Penalty: Against it, completly. Too many mistakes, unnecessary, costs more than incarceration.
Downloading Music/Movies: Music, I do that, but I shouldn't. It really is illegal. Movies too, big nay.
Drug Decriminalization: I still am not sure about this one. Would need to do more research... as of now, I can see both sides' point
Factory Farming: no
Free Trade: Mmm... I'm not real big on economics... IMO NAFTA doesn't work well though
Funding of Arts: do it
Gay Marriage: They should have the freedom to do so, it's riddiculous that they can't.
Gun Control: There should certainly be some control such as lunatics can't buy them children can't, but that's it.
Immigration: We shouldn't be free and wide open for anybody, but we shouldn't close them either. Few restrictions is the key!
Hardcore Pornography: >.< There really isn't a need for that now is there?
Human Cloning: NOOOOOOOOO! *shudders*
Miltary Draft: Not unless we're specifically defending our borders
Minimum Wage: Should be higher so people can actually make a living off of it
Prostitution: Get a job ladies.
School Vouchers: Mmm... don't remember much about this either, but I do recall that it's bad.
Taxes: Taxes are necessary, don't bitch too much, you end up getting it back anyway.
United Nations: Wheee! I <3 the UN... maybe if the US treated it with the dignity it deserves. hmm. UN should be a bit more proactive as well.
Universal Health Care: I've heard pros and cons for both. I guess I'd have to talk with somebody from Canda first. I do think every1 should b able 2 get healthcare somehow
War on Terrorism: Is bullshit... it's a war on Islamic extremists... if you want a war on terrorism look to Columbia, Spain, Isreal, and Ireland
Welfare: It's fine how it is for now, but it defenitly needs to be improved... it'll take a lot of time I think. Again, economics, not my strong point.
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Blogthings wow... that was a waste of time. lol