We start off the week with Akela bathing in the dog tub in the middle of winter for some reason.
Birthday time for Baloo!
Caesar (
katu_sims) grew up too. He's still super cute! *pinches cheeks*
Wow, Baloo has turned into a GOOD-LOOKING dude! I have no idea where that jawline came from, but I'll take it!
And with that, he moves out!
simplymiles's Molly Santiago, one of our newest townies, pays a visit and has an inappropriate conversation with a minor. I want her in one of these families!
One of the dogs is sleeping under the snow, lol.
Caesar's LTW is to have is to have six pets reach the top of their careers, but we only have five dogs, so it's time for puppies!
I just realized that though they have three kids, Sailor and Caesar aren't even engaged. So it's time to fix that!
When Baloo grew up, I also grew up his girlfriend,
singingmusic's Towanda Couch. However, when she grew up, her head was a different colour from the rest of her body. Akela tried giving her a makeover, which didn't go well, and I thought I'd have to find her skin tone and delete it.
Thankfully, the makeover worked the second time, and Towanda's skin tone was restored. Not sure how it happened, but I'm not going to question it.
Wedding time!
Such a cute couple.
Then Sailor had to go to work, so unfortunately, Caesar had to go on their little honeymoon by himself. Whoops! Totally forgot about that part.
I took out the hack that cuts down on playing in the tub, and Bagheera wasted no time, jumping in and playing pirate. She's so cute.
Apparently we didn't need that puppy after all! I forgot that the family had another dog awhile ago that had passed away. Europa, I think her name was. She must have gotten to the top of her career before she went on to play fetch in the dog park in the sky, because Bubbles 2 here, triggered the LTW. First time accomplishing this!
Sailor wanted to see rain, so I got her a weather machine.
Look at her, being all science-y! Her namesake would never have been able to pull this off.
Bagheera wants to max all seven skills, and she's so close to finishing logic. So she plays with her mom's science career reward to get that last little bit of skill.
Time for puppy!
Say hello to Lady! Bubbles is already a good mama. XD
Akela runs into
verocchio's Hematite, and their shy flirting is so cute.
Until Firebolt decides to come crash their party. As soon as they stop flirting, Hematite starts talking to Firebolt, and Akela's all cued up to talk to him too. Boy just does not get the hint, so I just send her home. Her relationship with Hematite is good enough, I think, that she'll be able to invite him over later.
I get back to the house and find Caesar and Sailor like this. Well, it's good to know their relationship is still fresh.
Sailor heads to the toy shop and dazzles
simsforaranya's Silverfeather. Another sim I want in one of my families!
Aww, poor Akela got demoted. Damn chance cards.
Whoops! I had Bagheera put on the thinking cap, but she was below gold aspiration, and...things took a turn for the worse. Not only did she pass out, but she lost a skill point too. Sorry, Bagheera!
Aww, cute puppy!
Akela's having a bit better of a time than her sister. She's invited Hematite over and is now putting the moves on him.
First kiss achieved!
It's been a long time since I've bought any of my sims a game table, so I decided to splurge for these guys, since they've got the space.
Yeah...I may have forgotten to turn off the rain machine for a few days, so we ended up with some flooding. Whoops!
Lady has grown up! She's so cute.
More flirting between Akela and Hematite!
Uh oh. He doesn't like grilled cheese. Do I smell the start of trouble in paradise?
And we'll end off the week with Sailor becoming the most adorable elder EVAR.
Next up is Mount Forest and his brood!