Since I was tagged by
megami_ashe... :3
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: CHOCOLATE!
My friend from England and I developed this insane obsession with chocolate when she visited me, and it has stuck with both of us even until this day. XD; Every time that we see some, we act... like that freaky dude on Spongebob Squarepants.
Literary: Manga? I don't have a huge collection of it yet, but... I constantly re-read all of the books that I have, so I guess that kinda says something.Audiovisual: Pokémon and video games I can't live without either of those. +_+
Musical: Japanese music My mom and brother make fun of me all the time because I'd rather listen to my Japanese CDs than any others that I have, heh. The songs are usually just so much better, though. o_o; It doesn't matter if I can't understand what the people are saying!
Celebrity: Uhh... um...ORLANDO BLOOM LOL!
Now I tag:-
lilypichu sugar_waffle drawingasmile crystalwalrein and
kyliemuffin to complete this same Quiz, Its
HERE. I just picked people (who hadn't already been tagged by someone else) who seem to bother doing memes every now and then. XD;
And as for the other one that I just HAVE to post...
Leave a comment here and I'll:
1. Tell you why I friended you
2. Associate you with a song/movie
3. Tell a random fact about you
4. Tell a first memory about you
5. Associate you with an animal/fruit
6. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you
7. In response, you MUST spread this disease in your LJ