Nov 03, 2008 21:12
Today was ok but horrible for my mind. I went to work and just keep staring at the mirror pinching my fat and flabbyness on my thighs and stomach I mean I look so huge I'm fat and there is nothing I can do to change it. I keep eating fatty foods like today I have no problem going all day with no food it's the evening I start eating I had some spinage with chopped tomato and cilantro and onion and cut up a veggie burger which I think are 80 cals? then I had 2 mini snickers 2 mini twix a bite of a kit kat and a naked juice... I mean all that sticks to me and i hate it I will either chew and spit stuff out or eat crap. It's gross and I HATE myself so much for it I have no control like I use to I use to be small 105 and the lowest 98 then I gained all this shitty weight my friends tell me i'm skinny which they are all smaller than me so I have NO CLUE why they tell me that. I hate that
Ugh I just wanted to rip all the fat off my body today it's just to much to get rid off it's everywhere...