Nov 02, 2008 21:49
I'm fasting starting tomorrow I've been eating to much and ot many fatty things Like I wont eat all day then at night I will come home and have chocolate I mean like eww I mean yeah it's good but eww because it adds more FAT to your body. Or liek today I had a small naked juice for breakfast then lunch some spinage and liek mexican salsa stuff the chopped tomato cilantro and onion only. Then later on after working all day I started to pick over breadsticks again! I mean WTF IS WORNG WITH ME! BREAD STICKS!?!?!!? UGH then I started picking crust off piuzza FAT ASS I hate this I NEED TO BE THIN LIKE I USE TO BE I CAN NOT BEE 130 something or 140 something pounds FUCK!