Jun 24, 2008 23:36
So there's this CD I have by Jill Paquette and I love the hidden track, but the thing is, I have to listen to a few minutes of silence before I can hear it, not to mention the introspective worship song at the beginning of the track. I can't fast forward through the silence. I've actually decided recently that I quite enjoy it. especially at night on a dark, silent road. I realize how fast and noisy my mind is and it causes me to question what it is I am truly focusing on...what consumes my thoughts? my favorite line says "Every day's another trial, every road is adding miles to you. and I'm praying for you to see you're free can't you see that you're free to be free, free to be free from everything."
I'm taking out a loan. I have no choice but to go into debt. And I'm okay with this. My plan is to go to Montana in September, if I get in, and I'll know by next month. and I'm pretty sure I want to go on Titus afterwards...it's a missions trip where you basically use what you've learned (just to put it in a nutshell). and I'm not going to live with my parents. I'm going to struggle to get by, I'm going to live on my own. I need this. I'm seriously considering moving to Portland for a wide variety of reasons. I plan right now to finish school. I'm back on the dental hygiene track. why? because after much discussion and prayer about what my desires truly are...it is practical in every sense of the word. I can both work off my all my debt and use it as a tool for missions work overseas. my dad has been stressing on me that if I want to go into missions I have GOT to have a vocation, a skill to bring forth.
I have to admit, I really appreciate my dad for his persistance in telling me the same things over and over again when I don't seem to be listening. Because, I admit, I brush him off a lot. And he wants to make sure I hear it. Even though there is a lot of background information in my heart he doesn't know about, he still knows what he's talking about. and what's more, he cares enough to KEEP reminding me...as irritating as it is sometimes! He also takes what I say I'm interested in and does more research on in than I do before I get to it. he's right. I'm not moving fast enough on some things.