(no subject)

Dec 20, 2008 14:14

So Yahoo Featured section has a notice on how Axl Rose has one on a 4,584 word rant. I’m not sure if this vindicates my word counting head set or insults it.
Day one of the vacation, and I’m fairly certain this will be a four hundred word day. And not only because, unlike poor Axl, I don’t have an eight year old temper tantrum to unleash, but because I’m heading out to Lancaster for a holiday party. Seeing as I forgot to post the last time I went out to a party I figured I’d be doing all right to get one post in today. Now if I only had more to say. Suddenly an eight-year-in-the-making-temper-tantrun doesn’t sound too bad, if nothing else I’d have a few thousand words to go on, assuming Axl’s any measure of eight year old temper tantrums.
I haven’t even been doing these four hundred words a day post for a month yet. Inversely, I’ve only been doing these four hundred words a day post for a few weeks, so it might take longer before I find myself with something to say every time. Or, at least, more often than I do now.
It’s pauses like this one (not that you’re noticing the pause nearly as much as I am) that leave me missing the old coffee shops. I think my next computer will have to be a laptop, starting up classes, keeping track of school (work, not the college classes) and even the chance to sit in a coffee shop once in a while. Mind you, I use to use a notepad and pencil. Rather low tech for a guy who’s been online for nineteen years now.
Damn, I’m old.
A fact that I haven’t been all that aware of until I started working with kids that are less than half my age. Honest, I am old enough to be their parent. Well, their father anyways.
This is a point I made to a couple of students as they insist on wearing their sweat pants (gym day, they’re allowed) down around their ass. “You do realize that I’m old enough to be your father, and don’t you think it’s a little creepy that you’re flashing your behind to me?” The teacher with me at the time fell out laughing. The student did in fact pull up the sweats, so I guess I scored a point on that one. I rather doubt it will stick, these are the same kids who think math should be an elective.
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