Feb 07, 2007 16:19
Oi... it's been a while.
Still here, though, and doing well. My next update was supposed to be the chronicles of my trip to Morocco, but I think the scale of such a post proved too intimidating, so you'll just have to rest assured that it was awesome, and ask for details when I can sit down and talk about it.
Life has been going well, albeit incredibly busy. February is a ridiculous month... but I'm determined to make March as relaxing as possible! We'll see how it goes.
On Monday I had the opportunity to show some members of Parnassos, the improv troupe from the University of Utrecht in Holland, around Oxford. Parnassos and the Imps set up an exchange program, a group of Imps having performed in Holland last term. It was quite a day - we met up at 11am and, all things included, didn't part ways until approximately 1:00 in the morning. The tour consisted of: Christ Church, Covered Market, Exeter, Jesus, Balliol, Sheldonian, Bodleian, Rad Cam, Brasenose, Narnia, St. Mary's Church, All Souls, New, Magedelen Tower, Christ Church Meadow, Tea & Scones at Cafe Loco, then souveneir shopping. By that time it was 5:30, so we grabbed sandwiches and headed to the Wheatsheaf for warmups and the show! The show was excellent, and was followed by equally fun after-show drinks, first at All Bar None and then The Purple Turtle. It was good fun, and I certainly hope we continue the exchange, as I want to visit Holland, especially when several people have promised me the full tour!
Today I'm preparing a presentation for Monday (and next Thursday), that I have to have prepared for my professor tomorrow. I'm actually quite excited about giving it - it's on self theory, my favorite subject! Of course, it's only a initial presentation and thus is completely full of holes, but it's a good start!
Ok, back to work, or something like it.