And so it begins...

Aug 07, 2011 14:54

 I came up with a hilarious and genius idea for a Twilight fic. I've just posted the first chapter to FFN. Waiting to see the reactions I get to it. Here's a run-down of what's involved:

-Bella's the vampire. And after 200 years of living, she is cranky and bitchy. It's glorious.
-Edward is mortal, and against possibly every law ever written, I've made him fat, acne-infested and near-sighted. 
-No Cullens. Anywhere. It's been forever since I've read or seen Twilight and I had to do a ton of research on Edward and Bella already. I don't want to bother with the Cullens as well, so fuck 'em.

If I get some fun reviews, I'll post them here. :D

fun, experiments, fanfiction, twilight, writing

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