I can't watch or listen to or read the news anymore because the Katrina mess is too upsetting. I almost feel guilty that the sun is shining and the ground is dry.
(Glad that you made it out,
gutterboylive. Let us know if your travels to California bring you to the Bay Area.)
Gas has finally passed $3 a gallon in the lovely San Jo. And my tank is nearly empty.
The noose has tightened at work. The Dictator™ seems to enjoy dumping twice as much work on me as I can possibly handle.
I am unsuccessfully fighting off a lovely chest cold given to me by
dumpsterboy. Thank you darling. (He's also been supplying me with lovely cold medicine, so he's half forgiven.)
When I finish work today, we get to drive up the hill and finally take possession of the new house and see what surprises my temporary tenant left me.