Waldorf 1.2

Jul 02, 2009 18:10

I went on vacation a few weeks ago. It was awesome. Shortly after we got back, jesstheex & her husband came and I was further (& awesomely!) distracted.
So everything in this update was played over two weeks ago. I feel rusty and confused.

This is a legacy, but I'm not terribly keen on the official rules. I'm not cheating at all and I'm trying to reach 10 generations, I think that's challenge enough.

Last time, Kate got a job in the law enforcement track where she met her partner, Hal Breckinridge. He seemed like a bit of a horndog, but she's a hopeless romantic and she thinks she can change him, plus she wasn't getting any younger and she wants to have five children, so she abstained from the birth controls even though they're not even going steady (shock!) and had a girl, Sylvia, who was quickly followed by a son, Harvard. Sylvia is a child now, just started elementary school, and, as goes hand in hand with artistic genius, something of a loner. Harvard is a light sleeper and hates the outdoors. Kate is expecting her third child.

Kate has so much maternity leave that she has time to teach the basics to Harvard. Sylvia & Harvard are both a bit spoiled in this department. The educational motherly attention department. Spoiled rotten.

Sylvia is lucky that I'm indulgent of her loner trait. She hates school, and being pretty much anywhere but her bedroom with her easel.

I wasn't sure what would happen if I sent her to the hospital with the kids at home, but she really couldn't afford to call a babysitter anyway, so she had this baby at home.

No doubt about it, this, my friends, is a baby.

Oh yeah! (see this is where it becomes apparent that I played this a few weeks ago) Sylvia doesn't have a bed yet. That's how poor they are. It's sad. She does have a room with an easel in it, though.

The bike she just spawned and doesn't actually own. I guess it's better than kids wondering around town on foot. Or taking taxis.

She wanted to go to the art gallery. As everyone and their uncle now knows, this generally spawns this lifetime wish, which is quite appropriate so I accepted it.

She was stinky and there is only one bathroom at home, so she took a bath at the museum. Wouldn't you?

Aside from the fact that I love Kate's overbite, I'm not quite sure of the point of this one. It's been a while, okay?
She loves her kids, maybe?

She loves her kids to her own detriment. Seriously, this is freaking exhausting.

And the game thinks her bed is Sylvia's, now. ha!

Sylvia went home with a friend and did homework at their house. It would have been awesome except she had the crowd moodlet and never talked to the other kid, and then she went off to fulfill an opportunity at city hall.

Her dad was there, thinking about crime fighting, and she rolled the wish to be friends with him. That's pretty sad, yeah?

Especially since he was flirting with this chick she came out of city hall. Boo Hal Breckinridge, BOO!

That's pretty embarrassing.

Ahh yes, Kate now has fertility treatment (it would be awesome if she could finish this up with one more pregnancy, no?), office hero (she wanted to befriend all of her coworkers. It would have worked great if, oh, you know, she was ever NOT on maternity leave), the party host one (lots of kids = lots of birthday parties) & never dull (because I got tired of Hal thinking she's creepy for wanting to try for baby all night).

& it is time to throw a party.

Um. Yeah. This is a party crasher, and the first to arrive! That's poor party crashing right there. Also she looks insane.

So much food was brought that some is on the floor. Classy. Plus Billy Caspian is getting hippy and doing a pretty gosh darned effeminate foot tap. It's probably best that he & Kate didn't get along for breedery.

The woman with the grey hair? She's the one Hal was flirting with outside of city hall. She got old! :0

Kate & Hal retired during the party to get their pregnant on.

I have a lot of party experience at this point, and it seems like everyone always leaves JUST as the candles are being blown out.
I might leave, too, if the hostess and her baby daddy came out of the bedroom and in their sleepwear and then tossed the baby on the floor.

Winston. It's hard to tell at this point, but he's kind of mysteriously blond.

Hello there babysitter lounging on Sylvia's bed.

Kate realized she was pregnant again over the dishes. When will she ever go back to work?

She hired another babysitter and went to the bookstore for a pregnancy book, which she read standing up outside accompanied by stealth!DonLothario.

Harvard just had a little ways to go on talking and walking on his birthday.

Watermelon shorts I will come to know so well.

It was also Sylvia's birthday. I'm really excited to see how the first born turns out. I can't help but adore her.

HA! Her traits are awesome.

She immediately contemplates her surroundings.

She does look a lot like her father, but I think it works really well for her. I'm really quite charmed.

She wanted a job, so I took her down to the mausoleum.

I didn't even think of it being perfect for her because she is a loner, but evidently it is. Score!

Kate went into labor in the kitchen while Winston looked on helplessly.

I sense that she is tired of this.

Sylvia: What's this? A baby on the floor?

Sylvia: I steal your candy, baby!

She is always rolling this want. How can I do anything but love her?

Ahhh! Evidently there is a glitch where children are stretched to adult sizes when they break a bathtub.


Harvard does his best, however, to get back in good shape.

Aww, Kate is going to be an adult.

So she invites Hal over to give her one last pregnancy. He looks shocked. Like she's never suggested such a thing before.

& then she's all like woo woo, it's my birthday!

Hal is waiting with bated breath.


So adult!

Alone, in her bedroom, painting in her underwear, the loner artistic evil genius. /scene.

Hello Winston. I almost forgot about you.

But not for long, for it is a double birthday. Gregory first.

Hello Kate's cheekbones.

This picture makes me feel so sleepy.

Winston is a little watermelon!

Neat to add on to his excitable geniusity.

He immediately exhibits this trait. He actually kind of creeps me out, with his neatness obsession.

On the way to an opportunity one day, he encountered his sister doing homework on the side of the road. Okay.

Harvard's interest was perked by his mom's laboring.


& Opal. Harvard lost interest since they were girls.

Though he & Winston brought these winners home from school shortly thereafter. 1. Looks like a bitch. 2. Is very prematurely gray!

I interupted his excitement over leftover cakes to have him get excited over a new cake, for today, it is his birthday!

Handy, added on to his previous traits of Light Sleeper, Athletic and Hates the Outdoors.

The expressions! I was slayed, myself.

He devotes an awful lot of time to the care of his baby sisters.

Kate & I thought that this was unfair to her children, both the babies without a real father figure and the elder ones having to babysit so much, so she headed over to Hal's place to have a talk about the situation.

She started out slowly.

Mentioning that it would set a better example for the kids if they were actually a couple.

Though they were clearly repulsed by one anothers views on the subject. *PLUSPLUS*

Encouraged by his acceptance, Kate took it a bit further and suggested it would be best if they considered marrying in the future.

Hal jumped around like a girl and said yes. Kate decided not to press her luck and insist on an immediate wedding, after testing and finding that Hal was not in the mood to woohoo, she doubted he was in the mood to get married.

Meanwhile back home, Harvard attended to more of the man-of-the-house type duties.

Much to Winston's delight (he got the excited moodlet from it) Hal called to chat with him that afternoon while he was out hunting bugs. I must say, his delight at the fatherly attention influenced me to put a rush on Kate & Hal's marriage.

That night, Kate called Hal over, put on some soft and soothing electronica and had a private wedding in the living room.

Her eagerness was cute.

I was quite impressed that it went so smoothly.

He ended up bringing about $5,000 which was quite useful for the much needed expansion of the house to accommodate 6 children and 2 adults. Holy hell.

She looks like she can see his lifetime wish here. OUCH.

They do, however, go and consummate their marriage in their new marriage bed. I ignored Kate's newly rolled wish to have another baby. That's not even possible, is it? The household already has 8 sims.

Dharma grew up quietly soon thereafter.

As did Opal. Oh Opal. Bald and mostly naked Opal.

Kate deserved the motive rewards.

Opal got some hair and some clothes.

Sylvia went home with a schoolchum, but got kicked out for being inappropriate. I have no idea what she did, but afterward she rummaged in their trash and found some rocks and a teddy bear.

Cute babysitter!

Though she never came in the house, just stood outside looking picturesque by the hydrangea.

His partner, by the way, is still Kate. So they're always super grinny in that respect.

He had the wish to hang out with Estelle Hello (one of the first sims I ever made) and so I looked at his panel. She is a romantic interest!

So he called up a babysitter, and a good one at that!

& taxied on over to Estelle's house.

Once there he encountered a teenaged girl, clearly the child of Estelle. Ha!

Her divit is weird and her name is Peggy.

However he spent some time conversing with her. She's not his. She's probably just a clone child of Estelle, though I'm pretending she is Don Lothario's, because Estelle totally got some from him.

Hal spent some time chatting Estelle up, but they were both too tired to do anything else.

Poor Kate is clueless and promoted. Check her out.

Gregory spent several moments looking like this on his birthday.

After he added Mooch to his traits he looked normal.


It was also Winston's birthday. This is how he often looks, suspicious and distasteful.

Everyone was very excited to see him grow up, though.

It all seems very appropriate.

He's so disgusted.

You won't believe it!

Someone left a dirty dish, about two seconds ago, on the table. GRRRRR.

To avoid his elder brother's wrath, Gregory hangs out on the toilet to eat HIS piece of cake.


Next time:
I'm overwhelmed by the giant household! Kate meets the new residents of Riverview, jbruntz, who welcomes her into his home, and his wife jesstheex who immediately slaps her. It's good times. They make up over James' awesome hot dogs.


sims 3, waldorf family

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