Just a quick one in case I don't get back to the Haberdashers this week.
5/6 child on the way. I AM NEVER DOING THIS LIFETIME WANT AGAIN. I just needed to express that.
Beryl pretty much securing her heirdom by bathing her baby cousin, Flavia.
Just a heads up, you shouldn't believe anything Victoria tells you.
Someone's freezed.
Hey, you've got baby number 5 in that womb, try not to die, 'kay?
Oh noes, and so on and so forth.
Flavia childed. There's no need to see more of her face. She's an
Esther clone. Shoo Flee?
Selena Haberdasher.
Hello to you too, Flavia.
Nerissa brought home the golden bookcase, woohoo!
Well. That's interesting.
Victoria with the first LTW of this legacy. I knew she was awesome.
Work it baby.
David's birthday.
He rolled popularity. Pretty cute.... but...
He's off to college immediately to make room for baby #6. Thus I didn't see his lifetime want. I'll let you know when I go to the college lots to find all of these kids spouses so that Albert can get his stinking lifetime want.
Part of the awesome
legacy_writers founder challenge.
Woo. Okay, this generation of double heir and Mr. I want to marry off 6 children is killing me. Once I get over this hurtle I will probably have renewed vigor for this family. I think Free Time will give me a boost too. So, yeah. The Haberdashers will probably make another appearance in a week and a half or so. I'll try to update the Minkstole's before then because I am soclose to the end and just realized that I have been playing them for FOURTEEN months, dear god. How did that happen??? I'm hoping to cut some corners in the Haberdashers by dropping out everyone who isn't heir from college.
In other news I have been playing the prologue to my next legacy, The Depraveds, and it's lots of fun because self!simming is amusing. My goal in that legacy is to have fun, amuse myself (if no one else), and probably cheat here and there to do so. I'll be posting a bunch of pictures from that soon too. I should probably slow down in playing it so that I can try out Free Time a little more with it.