Shiny Things

Mar 15, 2009 20:24

You know, it's only been four days since I updated, and I'm ready to do it again. That's much better than the three weeks between the last two updates, wouldn't you say? Thanks to kharmakick, I don't have to worry about editing the screencaps, which was always a pain, and since I'm on March Break now, I'm actually plenty ahead in playing. I'm back into it again, which makes me ridiculously happy. :D Which means that you very well might find an update tomorrow.

Also, you don't know who the sim in my new userpic is yet, but you will shortly, and isn't she gorgeous? I quite like this new userpic, too. Good job, self. ;D

So, I'm happy. That's about it. I felt like posting something with my shiny new userpic.


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