Roasted Butthurt

Jan 01, 2009 14:55

Once upon a time, the pirates had a hilarious idea to make a babby roaster. And Pescado said "do eeet, I will make it functional." They tossed the idea back and forth for a while, not realizing that when Pescado says "do eeet" he means "produce the work you are now contracted to produce".

So, then calalily offered to make the mesh, and Pescado said, as is his wont in these situations, "come to #grah so I can yell at you." This is where things started to go a little pear-shaped. Calalily has some kind of OCD which doesn't allow her to chat, or something. She also can't type too much, although her lengthy typings in this thread beg the question, "How much is too much?"

So then they negotiate in the thread for a while.

Things seem to be moving along, although there is some back and forth about "slots". Pescado begins to be suspicious that calalily is all hat and no mesh, if you know what I mean.

Quinctia comes up with a fairly obvious allusion to Swift for the object description. Pescado is unimpressed; he wants some kind of "how is babby roasted" joke. Quinctia says Babby is OLD MEME. 2 years old! Unlike Swift's meme, which is 280 years old. Quinctia might need some math lessons.

Anyway, literary allusion is apparently red rag to a bull, because now there is full on rebellion, with people like neriana, who have no actual role in the project, coming in to complain about violations in the democratic process. LOLWHUT? Also, how dare Pescado get more people to help with their project?

Calalily, after ranting on and on for paragraphs (ironic in someone who claims she doesn't have spare time to spend typing stuff, a she did earlier in the thread), finally posts a link to something she allegedly has made. People who have meshing knowledge are unimpressed. Calalily continues to stamp her foot, although Pescado appears to have lost interest in the entire project.

Some bright spark suggests they find someone else to mod it. The problem is, what modder, apart from Pescado, is sick enough to create a mod to enable people to eat babbies?
Carrigon. Of course!

roasted babies are delicious, maty

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