Carrigon has trouble with offensitivity.

Aug 12, 2008 13:47

So. Over on MATY, Carrigon, creator of the ultimate DO NOT WANT hack, complains that the stereotypical witches in Apartment Life are offensive to wiccans.

Summary of the debate:
Carrigon complains that the stereotype of the green-skinned witch is offensive and oppressive to wiccans, because of the Burning Times and ZOMG the oppreshun by Hollywood elites.
Plum takes a potshot.
Floopy the nibbler defends Carrigon.
[So far so good; it seems a little over the top to be bent out of shape, but let us discuss it, by all means.]
Kyna arrives with a bazooka: Carrigon, as someone who made a rape hack, do you have the moral high ground to be claiming offense?
Other wiccans begin to express opinions.
Carrigon is astonished and offended that people might use her previous actions as a benchmark to examine her moral code. Rape hack is irrelevant! Irrelevant, I say!
People refuse to let it go. witch expresses the core of the offensiveness of the rape hack.
Carrigon hilariously tries to complain about derailment. [This is Retardo Land, people!]
Kyna and witch attempt to provide a lesson in moral relativity.
Carrigon soups from the thread.
Various pagans continue to fire potshots.
Pescado mocks all the wiccans, claiming their spells are ineffective.
Assmitten posts an elegant summary of the arguments so far.
Discussion starts to devolve into a broader-ranging religious discussion.
Millie takes the offense to a whole new level.


witches=evil, rampant stupidity, maty

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