For Hrymfaxe who asked for a poem about Mablung, after Niënor has run away from him and the other elves, and he has to return to Doriath and tell the news.
I hope this is something similar to what you wanted :)
The sword has fallen The bow has broken And nevermore shall the arrow fly For proud Cúthalion Now here lies ruined he has been slain By his best friend’s hand Oh cry Doriath Wail out your mourning Your bravest son Will return no more.
and Turin for Liritar. (thank you for the pretty icon)
The clouds part Lightning rent the
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Despite having other things to write (I counted unfinished stories recently and lets not go to the number of them :P) and even writing on them I decided to repost this once again. I miss writing poetry and my poetry muses are dormant, I suspect sulking over the summer that never came up here (drive 45 minutes in any direction and you get summer but
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