Skins 6.03 comments

Feb 07, 2012 12:43

There we go, all caught up!

Very nautical themed bedroom. Interesting.

And the traditional “close up on this person dressing” introduction. NEW SKINS CHARACTER WHEEEEE.

And then he’s serving his coiffed and heavily made up grandma “tea and toast” in a cute apron. She makes sure to mention she wants to get fucked up, so that we know she’s awesome.

We find out his dad’s sort of a dick (“a silly twat”, re: Gran), because all Skins dads are who aren’t Rich’s or Maxxie’s dad. Grandma is going to a home next week, apparently.

And Alex has a very quirky habit of carrying a dice with him wherever he goes! It corresponds to a list of zany possible actions, so that he can be unpredictable and a continuous nuisance to society. Oh, YOU TEENAGE DREAMBOAT.

And suddenly Doug has a much more outrageous accent! He’s still a total freak, though. Some Skins things are constant.

Alex immediately senses that Liv is spectacular - probably helped by her very obviously spiking her coffee at school. And then his dice says to punch Alo in the face. Sounds reasonable to me.

“It’s numbers, mate. Only numbers.”

I feel like we might have gotten the unholy love child between Tony and Maxxie here. It’s just a… vibe. MAYBE THEIR LOVE TRULY DID BLOSSOM AND THEN MAGICALLY BIRTHED A MUTANT BABY THAT IMMEDIATELY GREW TO ADULTHOOD.

Liv’s hair is clearly in mourning as well, because it’s AWFUL. I don’t even know what it’s doing here, all brushed up in a... peak or something. idk. something scary and very British. But usually Liv looks great, so this tells me that everybody is VERY SAD. Plus, Mini has been avoiding her. (and possibly having lots of sex with Alo in inconsiderate places. but also probably avoiding her.)

And then OMG MY FUCKING HOLY CHRIST ON A CRACKER. Ok, I swear I’m normally never all ~fashion emergency about shows. But this is just the limit. I STILL HAVE EYES. I don’t know what to say about Liv’s shirt in the next scene, other than it should return to the 80’s where it belongs. And then be burned in effigy.

yes, Alex. You are about seeing the hidden thing and being unpredictable and bluntly intrusive in other people’s lives. I SEEEEE.

Gran is hiding in a cupboard. Continues to be unconventional and charming. When she says, “I like the colour of you!” to Liv, Liv’s faaaace. It’s kinda cute.

Her story of how she met Alex’s grandfather is definitely cute.

Why Liv invites him to the most awkward get together at the pub EVER, when she doesn’t appear to despise him, is a very confusing proposition.

And Alex asks another creepy question about Grace. Which: I LIKE YOU A LOT SO FAR ALEX, SO STOP.

Of course Alex is the only one who notices how desperately Alo is watching Mini.

“Fuck it, come gay me.” LOL Nick. ILU. Agreeing to dance with Alo really is taking one for the team. I cannot imagine that’ll be pretty. (and it is an EPIC TRAGEDY that Alex leaves and we don't get to see it)

“It’s not your job to think, Alex. It’s your job to act.” So, basically Alex’s dad is Nick & Matty’s dad. Alex and Nick seriously need to bond over this.

“You know how to play cards?”
“Ah, shit. That makes two of us.” Ok, I love you. It happened with us, Alex. I GIVE IN.

I don’t know where this underground poker ring is supposed to be happening, and why Alex knows about it, but whatever I AM GOING WITH IT.

lol do you know kung fu? I seriously love this stupid kid.

Stop sending mixed signals to Liv, though. Not cool.

Ha, “Cruiser”. That’s totally the tv version of Grindr. So Alex is into meaningless, spontaneous hook ups. WHAT A SURPRISE.

I will give it to the writers that Alex’s sexual behavior really does dovetail perfectly into his personality and other habits. Lots of casual sex with strangers may be a gay cliché but it makes perfect sense for this character.

That actually ended up being a pretty hilarious scene. “I’m not telling you that to be cruel. I’m telling you because it’s true.”

And then they break into a skeevy stranger’s house and CLEAN IT. Goddamnit, Alex! WHY DO YOU NEVER MAKE ROUNDS IN AMERICA? COULD USE YOUR MOPPING SKILLS OVER HERE. FYI.

Gran making them dance is pure infectious joy.

NIIIIICK. "Number 1, hang myself. 2. Get into heroin." "...not sure the dice is for everyone." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ILU NICK. MARRY ME, IT’S OK I WILL GO STRAIGHT FOR U. LET’S GET THIS DONE. I can’t even - he drew a little picture of the hanging! ♥ ♥

So I think Liv is right that Alex did know he was fucking with her head a bit, and she has a right to be angry about it, because that’s the last shit she needs right then (not that she needs to be getting into any kind of romantic relationship at the moment either). but aw, I feel for him too when he’s like, “I’ve never had a proper mate before” because you did get the impression like he immediately felt that WE NEED TO BE BFFS vibe when he met her, when you just click with someone. and I think it’s a still a little sympathetic that someone who is so carefree and wacky in every other part of his life found himself feeling a bit of trepidation and hesitation about how not to alienate her when it became clear she was attracted to him.

As a queer woman who primarily has male friendships, I can definitely sympathize with that situation. It’s like, ‘do I verbalize that it’s friendship-only? But isn’t that awkward and weird to say? Do I say that I’m gay? But straight people don’t walk around mentioning they’re straight all the time. Am I going to make things more uncomfortable by making it explicit that I know they’re attracted to me and then saying I don’t return the sentiment? How do I handle this and keep the possibilities of a great platonic relationship?’

So of course now his Gran is dead and committed suicide. OF COURSE.

omg the memorial. Franky remembers for 10 seconds that she used to be amazing. Liv is FLAW FREE and my spirit animal.

Liv: “Well, remember this. Fucking wankers.”
Franky: “I think Grace would’ve liked that.”
Mini: “Oh yeah, Liv’s always had top tits.”

So Alex is basically S5!Franky now in this next scene with Liv on the boat. I MISSED YOU, FRANKY. STRANGE THAT YOU’RE A GAY MAN NOW, BUT ALRIGHT.

Mini looking mind-blowingly gorgeous.

Breaking into people’s houses and strangely defiling them, now dumping bodies into a watery grave - it’s like a Misfits episode around here!

You can’t have your funeral, so have my funeral with me. Um… very uncomfortable proposition, Alex. But, er, C+ for good intentions?

They seem to be getting some catharsis out of it now, though. ok then! B+ for execution.

“It’s me. Don’t ever come back.” So, Matty shouldering blame but Franky not getting any is kind of controversial in the fandom. (And maybe that’ll change in the next episode, since it’s hers, and we’ll see her working through some guilt.) But myself, I’m perfectly ok with her not being shamed and rejected by the group for her part in Grace’s death. Sure, I dislike who her character has become this season (though her small bits in this episode were fine). But in the end, I can’t hold Franky accountable for the tragedy that occurred. All she did was drive off with a sleazy guy who they didn’t know. That's irresponsible, but she didn't think she would be affecting anyone else other than herself (and Matty's hurt feelings about being ditched).

It wasn't her decision for people to chase her, for Luke to put drugs in Matty's car, for Luke to not stop when things got dangerous, for Matty to drive so recklessly, and for Matty to take off and not even check on Grace & see if she needed help he could give her when the car wrecked. Technically it happened because of Franky, but not in any way that Franky could have been expected to predict. Girls leave parties with inappropriate guys all the time without their boyfriends being blackmailed with planted drugs & one of their best friends ending up in a coma from a car crash.

[now, her decision to once again hang with the creeper - according to the previews for next week - that I side-eye SO MUCH. ]

”Friends. Whatever.” Liv looks amazingly lovely here. Her freckles on her beautiful face… Her hair braided back… and just glowing.

Another perfect episode ending. Not as affecting as the Rich&Blood scene, but it’s on the same level as that subtle Nick & Mini moment from 6.01.

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