I've been consumed with a paper for my Master program that I JUST FINISHED. *punches air* So I haven't actually watched TVD or SPN yet, though I've saved them. But I thought I'd catch the stream of Merlin first, since it's the season finale. TVPC owns my life. ♥
So weird that the commercials for BBC One Christmas are ALL American movies. I think it's every single one of them.
Okay, I don't think the writers will kill off Uther, but that won't stop me from waiting for it on the edge of my seat all episode. *crosses fingers*
Leon in peril! Say it ain't so!
So a week has passed. And that wasn't worked in too awkwardly either.
It's interesting that Gwen is sitting right behind Morgana on the thrown, with Morgause at the other shoulder. and I think it's interesting that Leon specifies not only The King but Prince Arthur.
That was Gwaine waiting for Merlin, wasn't it?
I love them being chased about in exile. THIS IS MY EVERY FANFIC DESIRE.
Morgana is so very Uther, with her public executions. Except hahahaha, she's smarter. The shots to the crowd did and did not surprise me at all.
But Uther, such an ass. How can YOU possibly be judgey?
"Surely you of must people must understand."
"Those people were innocent."
"As were so many you put to death." THANK YOU SHOW. YES.
Merlin is so cute, trying to cajole Arthur out of his despair.
Awww, it's sweet that Arthur is most upset about Morgana's betrayal. But it makes me NUTS that Merlin's including a duty to Uther as a reason to step up.
Gwen is working it with Morgana-- I love that. "Uther killed my father." (um, yeah so again I wonder WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE ABOUT HIM, GWEN? jfc.) (though, yay, she makes no effort to rescue him here, just Leon.) (and fuck those other knights, they never had a name anyway. LOL)
yay, Merlin sent word to Lancelot! I love how it's Merlin who brought in Gwaine for 3x8 and Lancelot here, so in a way they're his knights as well as Arthur's.
Bwahahaha, Morgana and Morgause are not so dumb to fall for Gwen's act. I like that. Again, Morgause has the good long range plans and Morgana's very reckless & Uther.
Wait, what's Morgana doing poisoning her? Morgause has a good plan. Maybe it's a tracking thing?
Merlin's so cute, all hunched in the dark and trying to randomly magic the hour glass.
Awesome, I love that Gwen's medal working skills are coming in handy.
Freya's in the water?! wtf? Wow, who knew the Freya had Magic Exposition Powers.
oh shit, does that mean LEON IS THE LIVING DEAD?! Hahahahaha.
Awww, Gwaine checking on Merlin. ♥
yay, the dragon! I like how pissed he gets. "My allegiance has never been with the witch." and I like that they had Merlin acknowledge here, "I know." I don't know why, but it was satisfying to see that. Maybe because they've had some serious ups and downs in their relationship, and also Merlin's tendency to stand alone. And also nice to have the dragon pretty much explicitly give allegiance to Merlin.
shit, and now Merlin has promised that once Excaliber has done this task Merlin will hide it forever. Except, see, I WORRY. I worry that he SO WON'T DO THAT. Because he's dumb about Arthur. *headdesk* Fucking hell, Merlin. I hate the idea that he's going to disappoint the dragon like that, because I feel like here the dragon stands for/is speaking for Magic and The Old Religion -- like the druids in the last episode.
The shot of the sword coming out of the lake is so sweet. It just hits the mythical id place from your childhood or something.
Leon, seriously? You're worried about dresses when a murderous immortal army is after you?
I love the magical trail. PRETTY.
Gwen is so much hotter in tunic and pants. gah.
So once again they have Arthur calling Merlin wise, though amusingly this only happens when Merlin parrots what Arthur would like to believe.
Omg, I want to see Merlin wield the sword SO BAD.
HELL YES. THANK YOU SHOW. If only Arthur could see him do that.
"Who's that?" It's gonna be Lancelot, yes?
Gwen's "Lancelot" gasp makes me soooooo happy.
Hi Percival!
Arthur actually isn't a dick about Merlin making his own moves to send for them, just looks at him. A pleasant surprise.
Morgause looks a bit o.O at Morgana's ruthlessness. I wonder if she's beginning to realize it's just Uther all over again.
Wheeeeee round table! "a round table afforded no man any more importance than another." awwwww, THE COMING OF ARTHUR. This is actually an Arthur I would like.
Okay, Lancelot, I don't think Arthur taught you any of that shit. But that's okay, I want you to come anyway. [EDIT: another viewer has said they thought Lancelot was subtly swearing loyalty to the Merlin/Gwen/Arthur trio here instead of Arthur. I need to rewatch myself and confirm. I adore that idea.] [EDIT 2: okay, I watched again and yep I do agree! He DEFINITELY looks pointedly at Arthur for fighting for justice, Merlin for fighting for freedom, and Gwen for fighting for good. That's awesome.]
Again, I don't know if Arthur should get much credit for putting himself in danger for Elyan since he did it for the woman he loves. It wasn't anything to do with willingness to sacrifice himself for an unknown commoner.
"I think we have no chance, but I wouldn't miss it for the world." Yes, those are just the kinds of odds he likes. I love you, Gwaine.
Merlin?! Aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha. "No, I don't really fancy it." okay, that was adorable because Arthur clearly totally knows Merlin is kidding. It's like a private joke between them now. Sweet smile.
Yay, do something his father won't approve of! DO MORE, ARTHUR. <3333333333333333333 That makes the knighting so much better.
Okay, but um... why do they get to stand proud because they're knights? I really hate that whole idea, which sort of negates what Arthur had been saying about the table. They were worthy and admirable before! And, um, right now Camelot's army is pretty sucky, since it goes around harassing people whenever Uther gets paranoid. I'm going to assume that Arthur's talking about the new army he's going to make... (Otherwise I'll want to beat him about his blind, self-righteous head.)
Merlin and Lancelot! Talking about magic! "What are you planning? And don't even think about lying, I know you too well." !!!
"You know, Merlin. You're the one Arthur should knight. You're the bravest of us all, and Arthur doesn't know." I actually never shipped Lancelot/Merlin before, but now I could swing it. At least until Gwen comes to her senses. And then Merlin can live HEA with Gwaine. ;)
[er, sorry Arthur. guess you die alone! I used to be so hardcore shipper, but then you kind of killed most of my love for M/A after the lack of growth in S2 and then constant throwing shit at Merlin this season and inability to view him as an equal.]
wheeeee, Lancelot and Merlin conspiring together! That makes me so happy. I want more of that next season. It'll increase the believability of Merlin being able to get away with working behind the scenes without Arthur being written as unconscious and/or pathetically oblivious.
Poor Lancelot, tormented by the Arthur/Gwen! Merlin, give him hugs!
"What was that?" I love how Lancelot's just staring at Merlin in awe. THAT DOES NOT HAPPEN TO HIM ENOUGH.
Great shot of Merlin and Lancelot grinning at each other. ♥
Noooooo, don't save Uther! DON'T DO IT, ARTHUR. GODDAMNIT.
Wait, whaaat? Don't tell me they fucking kill Lancelot? This is freakin' ridiculous.
Morgause vs. Merlin, fight!!
oh man, I did not expect Gaius to come in rocking the magic. Sweet. And Merlin finishes her off.
I saw Lancelot move! HE'S OKAY. Thank goodness. Normally I'd never worry about such things, but they've already reduced his role so much in this 'verse that I couldn't trust they wouldn't write him off all together.
oh cool, Morgana's magic has finally erupted. (literally! hee)
wheeeee, Sir Gwaine is still alive!
"Seen the state of these boots?" / "I thought you believed in equality." This was an excellent M/A friendship scene. This was still the standard ~joking about servants, because he's Arthur, and thinks it's totally natural for commoners to loooooove serving him, because he was born so worthy and awesome.~ Except it felt more affectionate than their usual version of this song and dance. And even if it's sort of un-funny when Arthur backtracks over most every step he takes, at least the show is acknowledging it this time.
"You may need to take charge. Become king." PLEASE, YES? If Uther couldn't die, at least give me this!
And the future, of course, is the knights and Arthur/Gwen while Merlin smiles at them, admiring what he helped build.
Is Merlin actually going to get rid of the sword? Hell to the yes! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, MERLIN. HUGS FOREVER.
Oh, niiiiice. IN THE STONE. So epic. And gorgeously shot. With the thunder. Mmmmmm....
Great shot to go out on. This was my favorite episode of the season so far. Yes, stil no magic reveal. And that's become beyond ridiculous at this point. But I honestly never expected them to do it, so my expectations were low and I didn't feel too let down. The big thing that pushed this episode over the top for me was the characterization of Arthur. It has me very optimistic for Arthur next season. I WANT TO LOVE HIM AGAIN. IT MAKES ME SO SADFACE. But then every season seems to end on an improved Arthur, who they then reset to a self-centered, self-important asshat. So I guess it remains to be seen. BUT STILL I HOPE.
Now, fandom, go forth and write me great Merlin/Gwaine, Merlin/Lancelot, and maybe some Lancelot/Gwen with a side of Arthur/Merlin. And, oh well, why not some Elyan/Percival -- we don't know almost anything about them yet, but when has that ever stopped us before? *g*
btw, I love some of the screen caps posted in
this review.