These are mostly just various notes I scribbled down on a writing pad while viewing the episode last night with my sister & her boyfriend, with a couple side notes:
Vampire trumps werewolves! Hell yeah! Take that, Twilight.
Lafayette is still my hero.
Pam/Jessica is made of awesome. MORE OF THIS.
Eric is too softened all of a sudden. If you want to go there, give us a transition. Too abrupt! The director's having him roll it back too much this episode. Where is Eric's edge?
(side note: though, okay, to give them the benefit of doubt... I can't remember. did we get any real Eric/Sookie scene post Godric's death last season? maybe not... I can't actually remember any. so... maybe it did change his attitude and manner towards her. And we just didn't get to see it last season, so it's coming up now? IF that's it, and this is deliberate--poor choice not to give us something in tail end of S2. It's been too much time now and it feels like out of nowhere, even if it wasn't supposed to be.)
Yay Godric&Eric flashback! dear show, supply me with gratuitous Godric flashbacks this season and every Bill/Sookie 'do as I say'/'confessions of luv' scene will be forgiven.
So, Sookie then does EXACTLY WHAT ERIC SAID SHE WOULD DO. Hello mr werewolf! What are your thoughts on Bill Compton? Just wanted to let you know that we're TOTALLY ONTO YOU. k, thanx!
Terry says something like, "Usually when I see things people haven't, it's cause I haven't taken my medication." HA.
So Lafayette/Jesus had some serious chemistry, right? And, okay, apparently this subplot was to explanify Lafayette's need for illegal and porny employment. All right then.
"I've always liked you. Glad you didn't get killed." heeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh, TERRY. Stay forever. ♥
I'm scared of Sam's skeevy underpants family. The Hills Have Eyes, you know. I predict this is going to turn out badly for all involved.
But Benders!brother name checks Christine. wheee! I've actually been in the midst of re-reading that King novel for a couple weeks now.
(side note: it's been years&years since I looked at it, and though I love King's writing, I do, it shows its age, and there's multiple types of fail... and strangely enough, I did not remember it feeling like a love triangle. but dude, narrator is totally in love with his bbf the Christine owner. This book may actually be about (a) navigating the transition from high school to adulthood; (b) an examination of aggressive, predatory masculinity & its impact on others; (c) all the homoerotic subtext behind secretly hating your best friend's wife.)
hahahaha I love Mississippi's hospitality for Bill. The door! Countess Bathory! Someone will be outside your room at all times (in case you need them lol!)
wait--a chainsaw, Jessica?! You're a fucking vampire. Tear him apart with your bare hands! Seriously.
Cruelty free! lol FOREVER
"I need to drain the second course." heeeeeeee. See, this is what vampires should be about! I love the King's bf SO MUCH, you guys.
"I love you Andy. You're my best friend."
"Now that's just sad."
So the "master" of this crazy werewolf gang is a vampire. Interesting! And werewolves get a charge out of drinking vamp blood? Becoming... stronger? That's a different take than I expected. I am intrigued. Tell me more, show. (Preferably, have Godric tell me. yes?)
The file on Sookie that Mr. Boots is looking through is Bill's -- right? Is this an accepted fact? The house looked like Bill's to me...
Wow, Bill is still fucking terrible at politics. (a) how is he promising? will someone explain this to me and (b) HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
Terry! Scruffy cook of my heart&soul!
baby armadillo!
talking about feelings is manly!
yelling through the door!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jessic looks fucking fierce with that chainsaw. haut!
wtf missing body? Was that Mr. Boots in action?
wtf random lady in the trees?
Blood gelato! <3333333333333 (the writing staff were basically just amusing the fuck out of themslves with this dinner scene, and I approve)
Flaming Lorena was a total dream, yes? It'll turn out to be one of those 'Bill imagined doing that, but he didn't.'
I totally like the idea that Boots Mc Vampy is hot for Tara because of her dark outlook & crazy violent streak. Unfortunately, I fear that he's only getting close to her as a vehicle to Sookie. On one hand: WHY CAN TARA HAVE NO NICE THINGS, SHOW? On the other hand: I, in general, approve of everyone having as much vampire sex as possible.
So, now Eric's invited in. That should be fun. GET PAM IN THERE NEXT. I BELIEVE IN YOU ERIC, YOU CAN DO IT.
in conclusion: "SOOKEH!"
edit: also! I can't believe I forgot Sookie's 1 moment of win: gun out before Eric gets his fangs in. Because if a motherfucking werewolf shows up in your house without an invite? Blow a hole in that shit! If he was friendly, HE SHOULD HAVE ASKED. Hell yes.