Rare Het That I Have Loved: Recs

Mar 28, 2009 16:17

It's not that I hate hetro fiction, but I’ll never be a fan of feisty! kind of independent! woman! melts the heart of jaded! womanizing! tough guy! fiction. It works when you make them into Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor, but not so much Mick The Sullen Ranch Hand and Polly The Owner’s Saucy, Tight Jean Wearing Daughter. However, sometimes you feel like a nut. And sometimes het fic is awesome, and nothing like the scary bodice ripping stuff. P.S. Mal/Zoe basically IS slash -- right?

[Gilmore Girls - Rory/Dean] The Last Thing You Say by vega_rin
(41,500 words) Season 2 era. "Self-imposed blindness can last only so long. A Dean story." This author gets Dean, the beauty of Dean, who he could be, his terrible vulnerability, and what Rory was missing all along. I love this fic insanely. A glorious emo!Dean wallow.

[Veronica Mars -- Veronica/Wallace] BFF by chash
(1,200 words) Post-series. Summary: Wallace isn't the one who leaves. “She calls Wallace because Wallace is her BFF, in that way that means she'd wear a necklace with half a heart for him and trade pants with him if Wallace's pants weren't dirty boy pants that wouldn't fit her.”

[Veronica Mars -- Veronica/Wallace] Postcards from a Life in Transition by blacksquirrel
(2,500 words) Post-series. Wallace grows to understand, and share, the passion and fierceness inside Veronica. ”When he thought of Veronica what he wanted to write was ‘I understand now,’ and ‘I miss you.’”

[Firefly - Mal/Zoe] He Shall from Time to Time by luzdeestrellas
(1,720 words) "He's a drowning man without a lifejacket, but he has Zoe, and maybe that's better."

[Angel -- Wesley/Illyria] Break My Fall by liminalliz
(950 words) Lovely, lovely post-series fic. "God-king that she is, she recognizes the man's power and his power over her at last."

[Angel -- Wesley/Illyria] Moving On by jedibuttercup
(1,500 words) Beautiful. <3! "Five gifts, five anniversaries, and one reclamation, Illyria-style."

[Angel -- Wesley/Illyria] Dreaming In Blue by uberaeryn
Post S5, set 3 years after "Not Fade Away". Unabashedly happy future fic. Illyria/Wesley, Spike/Angel, Illyria/Stapler(!)

[Twilight - Jasper/Bella] *yes, shut it bitches! Twilight = total vampire fanfic, and I love fanfic
Someone Else’s Memoirs by radiocakes
(22,000 words) Post-Eclipse AU about overcoming loss, and family, and also Jasper/Bella that works. but mostly FAMILY. “Their skin is sun-starved marble, streaked beneath the surface with pinstripes of raw red - carved by loss, honed by grief. But every vampire, new or old, heals eventually.”

[Smallville - Chloe/Pete] Sidekicks by Te
"So who cares about the hero and his best girl, anyway?" aka Chloe/Pete pr0n. Man, I was so disappointed when these two never got together on the show. What fools ye writers be!

[Primeval - Connor/Abby] One Fantastic Package by sangga
(1,850 words) Connor/Abby UST. Well characterized hurt/comfort. "He is not, after all, dead, although the look on his face suggests that he thinks maybe he might be, in which case he's wondering why Purgatory looks so much like edge-of-suburbia community forest in outer Cranham."

[Primeval - Connor/Abby] A Day In The Life by sangga
(5,200 words) Good late Season 1 Connor/Abby fic. Domesticity, every day slow stubblings into a relationship. "She stacks the bread and butter plates and puts the cutlery on top. She's deliberately not looking at him, and how he knows this he really can't say, but he just does. It's some kind of arrangement they have, without having ever really talked about it."


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